Annual Meeting Minutes 2013

Annual Meeting – Thursday, November 14, 2013, 7:00 pm

 Roll call of trustees

Sandy Baker, President introduced each of the Trustees: Jim Gruenewald, Lake/Maintenance; Carel Reynolds, Communications; Chuck Toedtman, Treasurer; Lisa Kadel, Landscape

 Trustee reports

Lake/Maintenance – Jim Gruenewald

  1. The street lamps are now brighter due to a 2 part update of adding halogen bulbs and switching to glass globes which stay clear and brighter.
  2. The large aerator is being checked out but both are now out for the winter.
  3. Jim suggested adding boat races to our 4th of July activities. He ran it by the majority of the residents at the fall picnic and since some liked the idea, he pursued costs, etc.
    1. Backyard Lifeguards would provide assistance with 4 lifeguards at a minimum of $450 for 2 hours
    2. Based on timing for the races, insurance could cost approximately $500.
    3. Everyone would have to come up with their own boats.
    4. Minimum age would be 12 as of July 4. Life jackets would be required.
    5. Jim suggested keeping the race simple going from the dam, around markers at the north end and back. Once we see how it goes, we can experiment with additional activities.
      1. A question came up regarding our water quality. Jim responded that testing the water would cost $400 to $500. The last time we dredged the lake we tested the water and it was acceptable.
    6. Sponsorships could help defray the costs.
    7. A vote was taken with the group in attendance; 20 were for the races and 3 were against.
    8. Jim plans to take a survey of the entire subdivision to see interest. He will also ask if another date would work better. We would need enough interest to cover approximately $1000.

Landscape – Lisa Kadel

  1. MDH Landscaping has been hired as our new landscape company. The irrigation is still being handled by St. Louis Sprinkler.
  2. The culvert is being cleaned up on Beaver Dam and Briar Fork.
  3. Lisa reminded everyone that leaf pickup is each homeowners own responsibility. It is important to pick up you leaves and place them in recycle bags for Monday pick up. If left in the street, they wash into the lake and cause silt, resulting in us having to dredge the lake sooner.
  4. Lisa asked if we could plan to replace the 2 trees removed by the lake. Jim stated that we removed them because their roots were damaging the dam.

Financial Report – Chuck Toedtman

  1. Chuck reported that we currently pay $316/home and that the assessment will increase to $323 in 2014.
  2. Following up on earlier conversations, our current indentures mandate a $10,000 lake fund which was established in 1972. Based on the CPI, it should now be $56,000. In 2009 we spent $20,000 on repairs. Should we have to dredge again, the assessment would be $300-600 per home.
  3. Our current lake fund is $28,000 to which we will be adding $5,000 this month.
  4. Chuck worked with an attorney to develop new language for the restrictive agreement for an increase in our lake fund to $55,000 with an annual increase based on the CPI.

Communication – Carel Reynolds

  1. Carel explained that to keep the cost of communication down, we will begin sending all subdivision information via email. She suggested everyone send their email addresses to Carel for subdivision use only.
  2. Our plan is to work on a new directory this year. Please encourage your neighbors to participate.
  3. Cissy Bahn reported sidewalk damage on her street. Dennis Knox came out and looked at it and stopped the scraping of the sidewalks and repairing them. It was suggested that the trustees address it with him.
  • No New Business
  • Meeting was adjourned at 8:00 pm.

Respectively submitted by Carel Reynolds, Communications Trustee

Annual Meeting Minutes 2012

Annual Meeting – Thursday, November 8, 2012, 7:00 pm

 Roll call of trustees and introductions

John Steuterman introduced guests Paul Raczkiewicz, Alderman Ward Two; Jim Kleinschmidt, Alderman Ward Two, and Rick Lahr, Mayor. All 3 explained how proud they were to represent such a fine city.

Trustee reports

Lake/Maintenance – Jim Gruenewald

  1. More of our lights are failing. The decision was made to begin replacing them slowly and move to the outside of the homeowner’s homes so that we have easier access to repair them.
  2. The large aerator has failed and was replaced a moved to a deeper location. They need to be cycled off and on to drop debris which clogs them. It would cost $2500 each to screen them.
    1. The question was asked what affect the leaves have on the fish. Jim responded that the treatment he uses eats the layer of leaves.

Landscape – Roger Feltz

  • US Lawns lost workers due to the new laws on visas. They are struggling to stay on top of things.
  • Our irrigation system is currently shut down.
  • The entrance cleanup was poorly done and we are addressing it.
  • Our playground equipment is doing fine and needs no work now.
  • Tree replacement within our easements will not be done by Des Peres. They will only remove the trees. The hoses watering the trees south of the entrance were replaced again this year.

Financial Report – Chuck Toedtman

  1. Chuck proposed an increase in our lake fund to $55,000 with an annual increase based on the CPI. (details below)
    1. The question was asked why we do not investigate purchasing an insurance policy. Chuck responded that we investigated it and it would be prohibitive but he will continue to look into it. Jim Gruenewald suggested we look into an alternative planting design to stop the silt. He will investigate further.

Communication – Carel Reynolds

  1. Carel explained that to keep the cost of communication down, we will begin sending all subdivision information via email. She suggested everyone send their email addresses to Carel for subdivision use only.
  2. New Business
  3. Discussion of proposed amendment change – Chuck Toedtman
  4. Proposed Amendment Change

In accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 18 of the Restrictive Agreement of the Dougherty Lake Subdivision, at the meeting the Trustees propose to submit for discussion an Amendment to 13(a) paragraph 2 of the Restrictive Agreement to revise the language regarding the lake fund. After discussion, a vote will be taken at a future meeting, date to be determined.

The proposed amendment will read as follows:

13(a) paragraph 2 “The Trustees are hereby required to transfer the amount of $5,000.00 from collection revenue at the beginning of each fiscal year to The Lake Reserve Fund, until the sum of $55,000.00 is accumulated. This RESERVE FUND is to be maintained for MAJOR Lake Maintenance. It is the intention of the lot owners that this assignment be made and paid in full each year until such time as the sum of $55,000.00 is accumulated. In the event such sum is diminished, then the Trustees are hereby authorized to assess each lot in said Dougherty Lake subdivision the sum of $50.00 per lot per year, which shall be in addition to the original assessment provided for in paragraph 19 of the Restrictive Agreement, and the afore mentioned yearly assignment until such time as the sum of $55,000.00 is accumulated. All of such funds, including the interest thereon, shall be maintained in a separate account, and the income there from and principal, if need be, shall be expended to pay the cost of MAJOR maintenance of the aforesaid dam, spillway and Lake.

 The original indenture reads as follows:

The Trustees are hereby authorized to assess each lot adjoining the Lake the sum of $75.00 per lot per year, and all other lots in said Dougherty Lake Subdivision the sum of $55.00 per lot per year, which shall be in addition to the original assessment provided for in paragraph 19 of the Restrictive Agreement. It is the intention of the lot owners that this assessment be made and paid in full each year until such time as the sum of $10,000 is accumulated. In the event such sum is diminished, then the Trustees shall recommence the assessments until such time as the sum of $10,000 is accumulated. All of such funds, including the interest thereon, shall be maintained in a separate account, and the income therefrom and principal, if need be, shall be expended to pay the cost of the care, upkeep and maintenance of the aforesaid dam, spillway and Lake.

A raise of hands indicated that the majority present approved this proposal. Official language will be developed and presented at another full subdivision meeting for a vote to update the indentures.

  1. Election of two Trustees, President and Landscape
  2. Lisa Kadel offered to serve as Landscape Trustee. A vote was taken and passed.
  3. Sandy Baker offered to serve as President. A vote was taken and passed.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:00 pm.

Respectively submitted by Carel Reynolds, Communications Trustee

Annual Meeting Minutes 2011

November 11, 2011

Jim Harris called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m., introducing the trustees. Jim Harris, Jim Gruenewald, Roger Feltz, Chuck Toedtman and Carel Reynolds were present.

Communication Report – Carel Reynolds

Thank you to all who served on committees for the Fall Party and Holiday Decorations. We are truly grateful to the residents to step forward and organize activities. Our preferred method of communication is via email and the website but we need more residents to provide email addresses. Please pass this information along to your neighbors and let Carel know if your information in the directory changes so we can keep you informed. Note that all information is kept strictly confidential unless permission is granted. It was suggested that we mail a single page to all homeowners on why we need their email address and then post a sign at the entrance when something new is posted to the website.

Finance Report – Chuck Toedtman

Chuck reported on our current financials.

Homeowner comment: How much is set aside for the lake?
Response: Per the indentures, $10,000 but that is not nearly enough by today’s standards.

Landscape report – Roger Feltz

Roger reported US Lawns hade been hired as our new lawn service however they have become difficult to work with as there is too much turnover. Homeowners have reported that they dump weeds in the lake and woods and that they blow the cut grass into the lake. Roger will continue to work with them as we are under contract.

The playground set has been repaired and stained but we need input from the actual users if anything needs to be addressed or if abuse occurs.

The sprinkler system in the playground has been updated and Roger thanked the homeowners who water the cul-de-sacs and the area south of the entrance.

The small sign by the lake has been painted, however the 2 large ones need replacement at a cost of approximately $5400. One homeowner offered to contact someone to bid the job.

Lake Report – Jim Gruenewald

Jim reminded everyone that February 2012 would be Dougherty Lake’s 40th Anniversary.

The lake aerators have helped but we cut ourselves short by using 2 instead of the 3 that were recommended. Chemical treatment is always needed as a result. There have been 3 replacements since originally installed. In 2010 we switched to Missouri Pump. He recommended a shorted fountain because it would do a better job.

Homeowner comment: The aeration has done a great job prolonging to need to dredge again. We wanted a fountain so we installed a larger aerator to make up the difference. What is better and stronger? Why did we remove the fountain as that was not what the homeowners wanted?

Response: Jim responded that another aerator (bubbler) would be stronger. The fountain did not provide enough gallons per minute. The bubbler’s make more noise but the newer ones are quieter. He asked if everyone wanted to go back to a fountain. The majority said no.

Homeowner comment: That type of decision needs to be handled in a parliamentary way. We should wait and schedule the vote on a future date. Motion was made that we postpone the decision until we have a clear explanation and vote at that time. Motion carried.

Homeowner comment: When will be have to dredge again? We must keep up the health of the lake as the smell can be very bad.

Response: Jim stated that Des Peres uses a system of grasses that help. We were misguided by adding the grass carp. He suggested we plant grasses to help. We could add another aerator but we have a very shallow lake. Although electricity would be higher with a 3rd aerator, it would cut down on chemicals.

President’s Report – Jim Harris

Jim asked homeowners to consider Bittersweet Woods access although he understands that a vote would be required. The area has been dramatically improved and also connects to Phantom Forest. Some homeowners feel the path to access this area is unsafe. The trustees voted to obtain a proposal from Des Peres and Brad Schmitt provided a verbal one, stating that an easement would be necessary to proceed. Doug Harms has no comment at this time. If we receive a written proposal, we would forward it to all homeowners for approval.

Homeowner comments: Why would you contact Des Peres when we previously said we do not want it? Our children need to feel safe and this would cause more traffic than we already have. The fact that we have only one entrance to the subdivision is very important to our safety. Any easement would open us up to the general public. We all bought into Dougherty Lake because it is private. Why would we want to change that? If maps of the area show the trail, everyone would come. Signs would not help as we already have them and see non-residents using our lake. An easement would be permanent and out of our hands. The trustees should not even pursue this. The current path is fun, and truly like walking through the woods. It was suggested that we call our Alderman and ask him/her to get Des Peres to take care of it.

Response: It appears the majority present does not want to pursue an easement and since we do not have a formal proposal the trustees will report back when and if they receive a written proposal from Des Peres.

With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m.

Trustee Meeting August 2011

The Trustee meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. at Carel Reynolds’ home and all trustees were present. August 30, 2011

President’s Report – Jim Harris
Brad Schmitt with the Des Peres Parks and Recreation Department is still interested in connecting Bittersweet Woods through Dougherty Lake park. We have asked for more information to be presented at the annual meeting in November.

Lake and Lighting Report – Jim Gruenewald
Jim reported that two of our cul-de-sac street lights are finally working again. Our new electrical contractor, Randy Haupt of The Yard Light Company, ran new cable under the street, placed the cable in plastic conduit and installed transformers on the outside of the houses. These changes will make future work easier, typically not requiring the involvement of the homeowner, since all components are now outside the house. Jim suggested we consider raising the amount being compensated to homeowners who power the lights. Jim motioned that we move the transformers to the outside of homeowners homes as they fail so that we have easier access to them for repairs. Motion carried provided the cost is around $100 each.

Randy pricing is quite reasonable. For those who have low voltage outside lamps (not belonging to the sub-diviision) needing service work Randy is the man to call. Likewise, if you want a lamp installed, call Randy.  Randy Haupt, The Yard Light Company,, cell : 314-753-5768

Once again our large aerator at the south end of the lake has failed. Rather than throw good money after bad, we will move forward purchasing a new 5hp Aquamaster Volcano II from Hydro Dramatics. Hydro Dramatics is a division of Missouri Machinery and Engineering. Missouri Machinery has been in business for over 75 years. Hydro Dramatics was established in 1972. Their service department is The Pump Shop  Please take a look at their website and some of their installations

Treasurer’s Report – Chuck Toedtman
Chuck T. reported that we are on track to maintain our budget for the balance of the year. We still have 3 leans outstanding for this year with one homeowner having 2 leans.

Landscape report – Roger Feltz
Roger reported that new playground mulch was delivered, and that the handle on the trapeze was broken and may have to be replaced. He will check into staining the playground set and repairing the sprinkler valve near the dam.

Communication Report – Carel Reynolds
Tthe 4th of July parade was well attended. Carel will contact Des Peres City Hall to schedule the annual meeting and produce a newsletter with input from the other trustees.

Our next meeting was set for October 4, 7:00 pm at Chuck’s home.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.