Annual Meeting – Thursday, November 8, 2012, 7:00 pm
Roll call of trustees and introductions
John Steuterman introduced guests Paul Raczkiewicz, Alderman Ward Two; Jim Kleinschmidt, Alderman Ward Two, and Rick Lahr, Mayor. All 3 explained how proud they were to represent such a fine city.
Trustee reports
Lake/Maintenance – Jim Gruenewald
- More of our lights are failing. The decision was made to begin replacing them slowly and move to the outside of the homeowner’s homes so that we have easier access to repair them.
- The large aerator has failed and was replaced a moved to a deeper location. They need to be cycled off and on to drop debris which clogs them. It would cost $2500 each to screen them.
- The question was asked what affect the leaves have on the fish. Jim responded that the treatment he uses eats the layer of leaves.
Landscape – Roger Feltz
- US Lawns lost workers due to the new laws on visas. They are struggling to stay on top of things.
- Our irrigation system is currently shut down.
- The entrance cleanup was poorly done and we are addressing it.
- Our playground equipment is doing fine and needs no work now.
- Tree replacement within our easements will not be done by Des Peres. They will only remove the trees. The hoses watering the trees south of the entrance were replaced again this year.
Financial Report – Chuck Toedtman
- Chuck proposed an increase in our lake fund to $55,000 with an annual increase based on the CPI. (details below)
- The question was asked why we do not investigate purchasing an insurance policy. Chuck responded that we investigated it and it would be prohibitive but he will continue to look into it. Jim Gruenewald suggested we look into an alternative planting design to stop the silt. He will investigate further.
Communication – Carel Reynolds
- Carel explained that to keep the cost of communication down, we will begin sending all subdivision information via email. She suggested everyone send their email addresses to Carel for subdivision use only.
- New Business
- Discussion of proposed amendment change – Chuck Toedtman
- Proposed Amendment Change
In accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 18 of the Restrictive Agreement of the Dougherty Lake Subdivision, at the meeting the Trustees propose to submit for discussion an Amendment to 13(a) paragraph 2 of the Restrictive Agreement to revise the language regarding the lake fund. After discussion, a vote will be taken at a future meeting, date to be determined.
The proposed amendment will read as follows:
13(a) paragraph 2 “The Trustees are hereby required to transfer the amount of $5,000.00 from collection revenue at the beginning of each fiscal year to The Lake Reserve Fund, until the sum of $55,000.00 is accumulated. This RESERVE FUND is to be maintained for MAJOR Lake Maintenance. It is the intention of the lot owners that this assignment be made and paid in full each year until such time as the sum of $55,000.00 is accumulated. In the event such sum is diminished, then the Trustees are hereby authorized to assess each lot in said Dougherty Lake subdivision the sum of $50.00 per lot per year, which shall be in addition to the original assessment provided for in paragraph 19 of the Restrictive Agreement, and the afore mentioned yearly assignment until such time as the sum of $55,000.00 is accumulated. All of such funds, including the interest thereon, shall be maintained in a separate account, and the income there from and principal, if need be, shall be expended to pay the cost of MAJOR maintenance of the aforesaid dam, spillway and Lake.
The original indenture reads as follows:
The Trustees are hereby authorized to assess each lot adjoining the Lake the sum of $75.00 per lot per year, and all other lots in said Dougherty Lake Subdivision the sum of $55.00 per lot per year, which shall be in addition to the original assessment provided for in paragraph 19 of the Restrictive Agreement. It is the intention of the lot owners that this assessment be made and paid in full each year until such time as the sum of $10,000 is accumulated. In the event such sum is diminished, then the Trustees shall recommence the assessments until such time as the sum of $10,000 is accumulated. All of such funds, including the interest thereon, shall be maintained in a separate account, and the income therefrom and principal, if need be, shall be expended to pay the cost of the care, upkeep and maintenance of the aforesaid dam, spillway and Lake.
A raise of hands indicated that the majority present approved this proposal. Official language will be developed and presented at another full subdivision meeting for a vote to update the indentures.
- Election of two Trustees, President and Landscape
- Lisa Kadel offered to serve as Landscape Trustee. A vote was taken and passed.
- Sandy Baker offered to serve as President. A vote was taken and passed.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:00 pm.
Respectively submitted by Carel Reynolds, Communications Trustee