The Trustee meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. at Carel Reynolds’ home and all trustees were present. August 30, 2011

President’s Report – Jim Harris
Brad Schmitt with the Des Peres Parks and Recreation Department is still interested in connecting Bittersweet Woods through Dougherty Lake park. We have asked for more information to be presented at the annual meeting in November.

Lake and Lighting Report – Jim Gruenewald
Jim reported that two of our cul-de-sac street lights are finally working again. Our new electrical contractor, Randy Haupt of The Yard Light Company, ran new cable under the street, placed the cable in plastic conduit and installed transformers on the outside of the houses. These changes will make future work easier, typically not requiring the involvement of the homeowner, since all components are now outside the house. Jim suggested we consider raising the amount being compensated to homeowners who power the lights. Jim motioned that we move the transformers to the outside of homeowners homes as they fail so that we have easier access to them for repairs. Motion carried provided the cost is around $100 each.

Randy pricing is quite reasonable. For those who have low voltage outside lamps (not belonging to the sub-diviision) needing service work Randy is the man to call. Likewise, if you want a lamp installed, call Randy.  Randy Haupt, The Yard Light Company,, cell : 314-753-5768

Once again our large aerator at the south end of the lake has failed. Rather than throw good money after bad, we will move forward purchasing a new 5hp Aquamaster Volcano II from Hydro Dramatics. Hydro Dramatics is a division of Missouri Machinery and Engineering. Missouri Machinery has been in business for over 75 years. Hydro Dramatics was established in 1972. Their service department is The Pump Shop  Please take a look at their website and some of their installations

Treasurer’s Report – Chuck Toedtman
Chuck T. reported that we are on track to maintain our budget for the balance of the year. We still have 3 leans outstanding for this year with one homeowner having 2 leans.

Landscape report – Roger Feltz
Roger reported that new playground mulch was delivered, and that the handle on the trapeze was broken and may have to be replaced. He will check into staining the playground set and repairing the sprinkler valve near the dam.

Communication Report – Carel Reynolds
Tthe 4th of July parade was well attended. Carel will contact Des Peres City Hall to schedule the annual meeting and produce a newsletter with input from the other trustees.

Our next meeting was set for October 4, 7:00 pm at Chuck’s home.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.