Annual Meeting – Thursday, November 14, 2013, 7:00 pm
Roll call of trustees
Sandy Baker, President introduced each of the Trustees: Jim Gruenewald, Lake/Maintenance; Carel Reynolds, Communications; Chuck Toedtman, Treasurer; Lisa Kadel, Landscape
Trustee reports
Lake/Maintenance – Jim Gruenewald
- The street lamps are now brighter due to a 2 part update of adding halogen bulbs and switching to glass globes which stay clear and brighter.
- The large aerator is being checked out but both are now out for the winter.
- Jim suggested adding boat races to our 4th of July activities. He ran it by the majority of the residents at the fall picnic and since some liked the idea, he pursued costs, etc.
- Backyard Lifeguards would provide assistance with 4 lifeguards at a minimum of $450 for 2 hours
- Based on timing for the races, insurance could cost approximately $500.
- Everyone would have to come up with their own boats.
- Minimum age would be 12 as of July 4. Life jackets would be required.
- Jim suggested keeping the race simple going from the dam, around markers at the north end and back. Once we see how it goes, we can experiment with additional activities.
- A question came up regarding our water quality. Jim responded that testing the water would cost $400 to $500. The last time we dredged the lake we tested the water and it was acceptable.
- Sponsorships could help defray the costs.
- A vote was taken with the group in attendance; 20 were for the races and 3 were against.
- Jim plans to take a survey of the entire subdivision to see interest. He will also ask if another date would work better. We would need enough interest to cover approximately $1000.
Landscape – Lisa Kadel
- MDH Landscaping has been hired as our new landscape company. The irrigation is still being handled by St. Louis Sprinkler.
- The culvert is being cleaned up on Beaver Dam and Briar Fork.
- Lisa reminded everyone that leaf pickup is each homeowners own responsibility. It is important to pick up you leaves and place them in recycle bags for Monday pick up. If left in the street, they wash into the lake and cause silt, resulting in us having to dredge the lake sooner.
- Lisa asked if we could plan to replace the 2 trees removed by the lake. Jim stated that we removed them because their roots were damaging the dam.
Financial Report – Chuck Toedtman
- Chuck reported that we currently pay $316/home and that the assessment will increase to $323 in 2014.
- Following up on earlier conversations, our current indentures mandate a $10,000 lake fund which was established in 1972. Based on the CPI, it should now be $56,000. In 2009 we spent $20,000 on repairs. Should we have to dredge again, the assessment would be $300-600 per home.
- Our current lake fund is $28,000 to which we will be adding $5,000 this month.
- Chuck worked with an attorney to develop new language for the restrictive agreement for an increase in our lake fund to $55,000 with an annual increase based on the CPI.
Communication – Carel Reynolds
- Carel explained that to keep the cost of communication down, we will begin sending all subdivision information via email. She suggested everyone send their email addresses to Carel for subdivision use only.
- Our plan is to work on a new directory this year. Please encourage your neighbors to participate.
- Cissy Bahn reported sidewalk damage on her street. Dennis Knox came out and looked at it and stopped the scraping of the sidewalks and repairing them. It was suggested that the trustees address it with him.
- No New Business
- Meeting was adjourned at 8:00 pm.
Respectively submitted by Carel Reynolds, Communications Trustee