Trustee Meeting 8/2/15, 7; 00 pm, Carel Reynolds’ home

Lake and Maintenance Update, Jim Gruenewald

There are two more walls that need to be completed using stone as well as cleaning up the entry point on Beaver Dam and putting the guard rail back in place. One homeowner is attempting to repair his wall but is not complete as of this meeting.
We are obtaining a bid to have a port6ion of the lake bed removed at the north end of the lake. By doing so now it would postpone having to remove the wall when a dredge becomes necessary..
When all of the wall work is complete, we plan to remove all of the weeds that have grown around the perimeter of the lake.

We are regularly replacing lights as well as installing new sensors. We also cleaned all of the globes.

Landscaping, Lisa Kadel
Lisa will ask MDH Lawn service to remove the weeds growing in the outlet south of Beaver Dam. She will also request a bid to have the lake weeds cleaned up. All agreed the weeds must be removed for the health and beauty of our lake.

Finance, Chuck Toedtman
It is time for the annual assessment to go out. Chuck suggested we increase the assessment based on the 2016 CPI. All trustees approved the increase.

President, Sandy Baker
The playground basketball hoop needs to be replaced. Sandy offered to handle that.

Communications, Carel Reynolds
As soon as we have definite dates for completion of the lake work, Carel will send out newsletter to all homeowners updating them on the work.

Trustee Elections in November
We will begin the process of interviewing homeowners for future trustees. The two positions that are up for election are President and Lake/Maintenance.

Meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm.