The meeting was called to order by John Steuterman. All Trustees were present. Guests: Jim Gruenewald and Dick Hibbs.
Rich Hall reported that initial investigation on a potential new design for the lake outlet was coming in higher than expected. In addition they are working to find a solution to the valve freeze issue. He will complete his investigation by the next meeting with costs and timetable presented.
Rich also reported that the plants are growing and that 40 boxes were dropped into the lake for fish reproduction. He also dropped alp alpha blocks to help with algae but was having problems with them not sinking. Further investigation is needed.
Regarding lighting, the lights on Beaver Dam are repaired and spring cleaning will be scheduled soon.
Lisa Kadel reported that the playground area was cleaned up and mulched. The basketball hoop is once again damaged and Chuck Toedtman offered to work on that. Cedar Treatment Services has agreed to re-paint the guard rails at no cost. We will also ask them to paint the picnic tables. Lisa also recommended adding additional picnic tables and possibly a BBQ pit and coal receptacle. She will investigate costs and design and report back.
Chuck Toedtman presented the financial reports. The subdivision is in good financial condition.
Carel Reynolds reported that she continues to keep the homeowners up to date on the latest activities. Our Facebook page is growing with members communicating with each other as well.
John Steuterman had no report.
New Business
Resident Dick Hibbs shared his concerns regarding drivers not stopping at the stop sign at Beaver Dam and Briar Fork Road. This item will be added to the discussion regarding speeding on Beaver Dam. Carel Reynolds is trying to form a committee to work on these issues and will add Dick Hibbs. John Steuterman offered to call City Hall asking for their assistance.
Chuck Toedtman reported on the status of our annual assessment and the process we use to collect liens.
- Since our fiscal year does not start until October, Chuck felt it was not necessary to send the assessment any earlier than July with a due date in 30 days.
- Regarding liens, the bill is sent by City and Village Tax Office followed by a reminder 10 days after the due date. Carel Reynolds usually calls each home owner at that time to alert them of the situation. After that lien forms are sent to the homeowners by City and Village Tax Office. Usually homeowners pay once the lien is filed.
- If a homeowner does not pay their past due assessment(s) (we normally give them 2 years) City and Village sends them a warning letter which costs us $100. Court fees and lawyer fees are added and the homeowner must settle prior to the sale of their property. We only have 10 years to collect past due liens.
A homeowner asked the trustees to investigate the costs associated with allowing kayaking in Dougherty Lake. Chuck Toedtman will investigate again but he believes it was in excess of $10,000. Our indentures state that boating, swimming and skating are not allowed (see #13 under Common Lands). In the opinion of the BOT, allowing anyone in the lake for any reason would be dangerous as we have electrical wires running across the lake in 2 locations to power the aerators. The only exception is allowing the Trustees to enter the lake to repair and maintain the lake and aerators.
Carel Reynolds proposed a fishing pier along the Beaver Dam side of the lake. Carel, with the help of Moira Steuterman, will pull together a committee to investigate costs and report back in 60 days.
Next Meeting: June 8, 2016, Room 227 at Saint Gerard Majella School. It was requested that Carel contact the responsible party to reserve room 227.
Respectfully submitted by Carel Reynolds.