Dougherty Lake Subdivision Board of Trustees
June 14, 2011
The Trustee meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. at the home of Jim Gruenewald’s. All trustees were present.
Lake Report – Jim Gruenewald
Jim reported that repairs will continue on the cul-de-sac lighting however vacation timing with the homeowners is slowing it down. The next algae problem in the lake will have to be addressed with chemicals.
President’s Report – Jim Harris
Jim asked if the landscape company could bid on lowering the entrance plantings and dressing up the area in a more creative way. Roger will get a bid and we will search for an independent to bid on it also.
Treasurer’s Report – Chuck Toedtman
Chuck T. reported that the bid for new signs at the lake and playground came in at $4400 so he will investigate other options. The upgrade to the irrigation system at the park was $1100. We still have 3 leans outstanding for this year with one homeowner having 2 leans.
Landscape report – Roger Feltz
Roger repaired the playground fence, put the canopy up on the playground set, got the irrigation timing set correct, and plans to repair the loose boards on the Des Peres fence. Our landscape company planted the flowers at the entrance and trimmed the bushes in the cul-de-sac’s. New playground mulch will be delivered soon.
Communication Report – Carel Reynolds
A motion was passed to support the 4th of July parade with $100. Carel was asked to produce a newsletter with input from the other trustees.
Our next meeting was set for August 23, 7:15 pm at Carel’s home.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.