Dougherty Lake Subdivision Trustee Meeting Minutes
December 30, 2015, 7:00 p.m.
Schnucks in Des Peres, Mezzanine Level
John Steuterman called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.
Roll Call: Trustees present – John Steuterman, Lisa Kadel, Carel Reynolds and Richard Hall. Chuck Toedtman was absent. Guests attending: Michael Wardlaw, Jim Gruenewald, Guy Hunt and Joseph Rengel (son of resident Tom Rengel).
Motion was made to approve the minutes from last Trustee meeting, all approved. A request was made to send the minutes out to the trustees within one week of each meeting. All agreed.
Reports of the Trustees – There were no reports from the Trustees.
Amendment of the Agenda
- Joseph Rengel requested time to share his knowledge of dam improvements.
- Lisa Kadel requested time to discuss obtaining corporate credit cards for all Trustees.
- Richard Hall requested time to discuss hiring a company to clean the grate and haul away the debris.
- John Steuterman requested time to discuss Social Media and Trustee emails.
- Mark Glyshaw requested time to discuss Dam improvements.
Old Business
Discussion concerning updating the indentures. Carel Reynolds will contact the Recorder of Deeds office to obtain a full copy of our indentures, including all amendments. If Carel is unsuccessful, she will contact Greg Hoffmann for an estimate for him to obtain them.
New Business
Discussion for improving the habitats of the Lake, led by Rich Hall.
- Whereas, we consider the improvement of the Lake habitat, necessary action and;
- Whereas, we have availed ourselves of the Missouri Department of Conservation recommendations for Lake improvement and;
- Resolved, That the DLS Board of Trustees offer such support and guidance to the Lake Trustee so as to implement a fish restocking and lake habitats improvement plan that may include the use of Christmas trees properly submerged and secured in the Lake. Motion was made to approve, seconded and carried.
- Financial Impact: $300.00 (proposed)
- Carel Reynolds will send an email to all Dougherty Lake residents asking for the donation of clean Christmas trees. Trees are to be collected at the south-east corner of the lake near the steps.
- Trees collected will be tied together, secured by a cinder block and dropped in strategic locations in the lake utilizing a boat. This will allow a safe habitat for fish to breed
Establishment of Trustee Subcommittee
John Steuterman began a discussion proposing that Trustees be allowed to for subcommittees to assist them in the performance of their responsibilities. All agreed.
Neighborhood Watch program led by Michael Wardlaw, resident.
- Michael Wardlaw shared his knowledge of establishing a viable Neighborhood Watch program for Dougherty Lake. Cost for this program would be minimal. The goal would be to form a committee consisting of one homeowner per street in Dougherty Lake. Lisa Kadel and Guy Hunt volunteered. Michael Wardlaw will work with Carel Reynolds to develop an email to be sent to all residents explaining the program and asking for volunteers. Details will be discussed at the next Trustee meeting.
Joseph Rengel, who is an engineer, shared several options to help with the flow of water through the dam. Richard Hall, Jim Gruenewald and Michael Wardlaw will discuss best options with our engineering company, Reitz and Jens, and report back at the next Trustee meeting.
Lisa Kadel motioned that we obtain corporate credit cards for all Trustees. Lisa will discuss with Chuck Toedtman, Treasurer and report back at the next Trustee meeting.
Richard Hall reported that he was able to find a company to clean the grate and haul away the debris. Approximate maximum cost would be $1000.00. All approved the expense. In addition, many wooden ties floated into neighbor’s yards around the lake. Carel Reynolds will obtain permission to enter their properties and Michael Wardlaw volunteered to take them to the street. Lisa Kadel will request that our landscaping company haul them away. All approved the additional expense if necessary.
Richard hall requested investigating a lake maintenance company to regularly clean the grate of debris. He will report back at the next Trustee meeting.
Richard hall requested purchasing a safe flat boat to use throughout the year. Discussion was tabled for the next Trustee meeting.
John Steuterman shared his concern regarding Trustee business being posted on Social Media (i.e. Facebook). He was assured that our Facebook account is a closed private account where only homeowners have access. In addition, John shared his concern about Trustee emails. He felt decisions should only be made at Trustee meetings. Jim Gruenewald shared that there are many times immediate action needs to be taken (i.e. home remodel projects) and therefore cannot wait for a Trustee meeting. John agreed that there are exceptions and approved emails, provided each topic stay separate from other topics and used sparingly.
Mark Glyshaw sent a request to John Steuterman that the overflow of the dam be addressed. Item was discussed earlier in the meeting.
The next Trustee meeting will be held on January 27 at Schnucks Mezzanine at 7:00 pm.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:30 pm.
Respectfully submitted by Carel Reynolds, Communications Trustee