Annual Meeting Minutes 2012

Annual Meeting – Thursday, November 8, 2012, 7:00 pm

 Roll call of trustees and introductions

John Steuterman introduced guests Paul Raczkiewicz, Alderman Ward Two; Jim Kleinschmidt, Alderman Ward Two, and Rick Lahr, Mayor. All 3 explained how proud they were to represent such a fine city.

Trustee reports

Lake/Maintenance – Jim Gruenewald

  1. More of our lights are failing. The decision was made to begin replacing them slowly and move to the outside of the homeowner’s homes so that we have easier access to repair them.
  2. The large aerator has failed and was replaced a moved to a deeper location. They need to be cycled off and on to drop debris which clogs them. It would cost $2500 each to screen them.
    1. The question was asked what affect the leaves have on the fish. Jim responded that the treatment he uses eats the layer of leaves.

Landscape – Roger Feltz

  • US Lawns lost workers due to the new laws on visas. They are struggling to stay on top of things.
  • Our irrigation system is currently shut down.
  • The entrance cleanup was poorly done and we are addressing it.
  • Our playground equipment is doing fine and needs no work now.
  • Tree replacement within our easements will not be done by Des Peres. They will only remove the trees. The hoses watering the trees south of the entrance were replaced again this year.

Financial Report – Chuck Toedtman

  1. Chuck proposed an increase in our lake fund to $55,000 with an annual increase based on the CPI. (details below)
    1. The question was asked why we do not investigate purchasing an insurance policy. Chuck responded that we investigated it and it would be prohibitive but he will continue to look into it. Jim Gruenewald suggested we look into an alternative planting design to stop the silt. He will investigate further.

Communication – Carel Reynolds

  1. Carel explained that to keep the cost of communication down, we will begin sending all subdivision information via email. She suggested everyone send their email addresses to Carel for subdivision use only.
  2. New Business
  3. Discussion of proposed amendment change – Chuck Toedtman
  4. Proposed Amendment Change

In accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 18 of the Restrictive Agreement of the Dougherty Lake Subdivision, at the meeting the Trustees propose to submit for discussion an Amendment to 13(a) paragraph 2 of the Restrictive Agreement to revise the language regarding the lake fund. After discussion, a vote will be taken at a future meeting, date to be determined.

The proposed amendment will read as follows:

13(a) paragraph 2 “The Trustees are hereby required to transfer the amount of $5,000.00 from collection revenue at the beginning of each fiscal year to The Lake Reserve Fund, until the sum of $55,000.00 is accumulated. This RESERVE FUND is to be maintained for MAJOR Lake Maintenance. It is the intention of the lot owners that this assignment be made and paid in full each year until such time as the sum of $55,000.00 is accumulated. In the event such sum is diminished, then the Trustees are hereby authorized to assess each lot in said Dougherty Lake subdivision the sum of $50.00 per lot per year, which shall be in addition to the original assessment provided for in paragraph 19 of the Restrictive Agreement, and the afore mentioned yearly assignment until such time as the sum of $55,000.00 is accumulated. All of such funds, including the interest thereon, shall be maintained in a separate account, and the income there from and principal, if need be, shall be expended to pay the cost of MAJOR maintenance of the aforesaid dam, spillway and Lake.

 The original indenture reads as follows:

The Trustees are hereby authorized to assess each lot adjoining the Lake the sum of $75.00 per lot per year, and all other lots in said Dougherty Lake Subdivision the sum of $55.00 per lot per year, which shall be in addition to the original assessment provided for in paragraph 19 of the Restrictive Agreement. It is the intention of the lot owners that this assessment be made and paid in full each year until such time as the sum of $10,000 is accumulated. In the event such sum is diminished, then the Trustees shall recommence the assessments until such time as the sum of $10,000 is accumulated. All of such funds, including the interest thereon, shall be maintained in a separate account, and the income therefrom and principal, if need be, shall be expended to pay the cost of the care, upkeep and maintenance of the aforesaid dam, spillway and Lake.

A raise of hands indicated that the majority present approved this proposal. Official language will be developed and presented at another full subdivision meeting for a vote to update the indentures.

  1. Election of two Trustees, President and Landscape
  2. Lisa Kadel offered to serve as Landscape Trustee. A vote was taken and passed.
  3. Sandy Baker offered to serve as President. A vote was taken and passed.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:00 pm.

Respectively submitted by Carel Reynolds, Communications Trustee

Annual Meeting Minutes 2010

Jim Harris called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m November 11, 2010, introducing the trustees. Jim Harris, Jim Gruenewald, Roger Feltz and Carel Reynolds were present, Chuck Toedtman was absent.

Lake Report – Jim Gruenewald
Jim reported that we have had numerous problems with the large aerator and that we needed to find a reputable company to help service, remove, store and/or replace them. He noted that we decided to hire The Pump Shop after much investigation. We will also investigate a new company to fix the lights in the cul-de-sacs, which run under the street.

  • Homeowner comment: The north monument light is out.
    Jim reported that recent work on the garden beds caused the outage but that he would get it repaired.
  • Homeowner comment: How are the aerators working now?
    Jim stated that they have a limited life span and that the Otterbine system ended up being a poor design as they are hard to repair. When replacement is needed, we will look into another manufacturer.
  • Homeowner comment: Can we fix the look of the fountain?
    That is very expensive. We have looked into adjusting it the best we can. The algae is controlled more with the aerator and chemicals.

Landscape report – Roger Feltz
Roger reported that Symmetry handles our landscaping and that the hot summer was tough on the begonias. We are also on the 3rd account manager at Symmetry which does not make it easy. We will cut back on the amount of mulch that is added. The entrance gets watered daily and the playground was 3 days a week. Because of the heat, we switched that to every day in July which caused a tree to die from too much water. We will investigate upgrades to the sprinkler system in the park. Cedar Treatment repaired the Des Peres Road fence and Roger cleaned up the underbrush. We also asked Symmetry to keep the mulch away from the fence. We planted a new maple tree in the playground. K&G Landscaping is trimming trees, and needs to address those along Des Peres Road. The black fence around the dam has also been repaired.

  • Homeowner comment: It appears the landscape weed-whackers damaged the fence and suggested we plant lower plants so as to not block the sign.

President’s Report – Jim Harris
Jim reported that our budget is on track but we need to plan ahead for projects this year. Lake and landscape projects are on hold for now. The run off from Four Winds Farm is a real problem but we can not do anything about it.

  • Homeowner comment: The cedar fence by the lake on the east side needs to be addressed.
    • Benches in the park were just power washed. Symmatry suggested removing the natural grasses or moving elsewhere and plant grass instead.
  • Homeowner comment: The playground equipment looks great and stressed it is important to keep it repaired and remove the cover in the winter.
  • Homeowner comment: Can you explain the rip-wrap along the Beaver Dam side of the lake?
    The Corp. of Engineers recommended adding the rip-wrap when the lake was put in. Now they say we should replace it so we are thinking we would include it in the next lake dredge project.
  • Homeowner comment: Are we responsible if the wall fails?
    • Yes, and the homes below the dam would be devastated. Insurance would be very expensive so we must stay on top of it.
  • Homeowner comment: What about connecting Dougherty Lake to Bittersweet Woods at the park?
    • The conservation department offered to widen and improve the trail if we would allow them to connect to us, but we need to get a better understanding of what they propose. Once received, we would present it to the entire subdivision for approval.

Communication Report – Carel Reynolds
Thank you to all who served on committees for the Fall Party and Holiday Decorations. We are truly grateful to the residents to step forward and organize activities. Please make sure you let Carel know if your information in the directory changes so we can keep you informed.

Election of Trustees
Terms have ended for Jim Harris, president and Carel Reynolds, communications. No nominations were made so Jim Gruenewald motioned that we retain Jim and Carel. Motion to retain passed unanimously. It was suggested we try to mentor homeowners through committees to replace trustees in the future.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m.

Annual Meeting Minutes 2009

NOVEMBER 12, 2009 – 7:00 PM

ATTENDEES Trustee Members: Jim Harris, President; Carel Reynolds, Communications; Nancy Shaffstall, Landscape; Jim Gruenewald, Lake/Maintenance; Chuck Toedtman, Treasurer

Jim Harris welcomed everyone, explained the agenda for the meeting and asked trustees to introduce themselves and share their responsibilities

Nancy Shaffstall explained the PowerPoint presentation attached. No discussion followed.

Jim Gruenewald explained his portion of the PowerPoint presentation attached.
Question: Why does MSD not bear the cost of maintaining the lake?
Response: We tried but to no avail. The subdivision owns the lake and sewers.
Question: Could we implement a power plant of sorts?
Response: Not enough water
Question: What do we plan to do about the geese?
Response: With only 7 full time residents, we do not see it as a problem. There is not much we can do about the visiting geese except don’t feed them.

Chuck Toedtman explained his portion of the PowerPoint presentation attached.
Question: Would we consider raising the lake reserve?
Response: Yes, we need to but did not think the homeowners could bear the cost. We need more money but are not sure how to get there. Our feeling is that is should be raised to at least $20,000. We will work on a plan to get there over the next year.
Question: What about using solar lights to save on the lighting budget?
Response: There are too many trees in Dougherty Lake Subdivision.
Question: Why not allow the residents handle the landscaping tasks instead of contracting with a company.
Response: There are not enough people to help. It is difficult to get trustees already.

Jim Harris explained his portion of the PowerPoint presentation attached. Jim explained in detail the problems we are having with our aging subdivision and the need for more funds to work with. A proposal has been presented in advance to the homeowners asking for an increase in the annual assessment. Jim asked if the homeowners present would allow a show of hands for the vote to increase the assessment. Several wanted a secret ballot so ballot’s were handed out and a vote was tabulated. Results from the vote were 26 votes for and 2 votes against. Jim announced to the homeowners that the assessment increase was passed.

Jim announced that Jim Gruenewald had agreed to serve another term as Lake and Maintenance Trustee and asked for approval from the homeowners and all approved.

Nancy introduced Roger Feltz who has offered to run for Landscape Trustee, replacing Nancy Shaffstall. Jim asked for approval from the homeowners and all approved.
8:30 P.M. ADJOURNMENT Having no other business, Jim Harris adjourned the meeting.

MINUTES TAKEN BY Carel Reynolds, Communications Trustee.

Annual Meeting Minutes 2007

November 15, 2007

Trustees Present: Jim Harris, Nancy Shaffstall, Tim Fletcher, Jim Gruenewald and Carel Reynolds Jim Harris called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m. The trustees introduced themselves.

Tim Fletcher distributed a report summarizing the income and expenditures for the twelve months ending October 31, 2007, together with the projections for the coming year.

  • Current balance $52,000
  • 07 Collections $39,000
  • Des Peres Help with Des Peres Road Project $5.000
  • 2007 Spending $41,000

08 Outlook:
Overall, similar spending plans, less the Front Entrance project
Symmetry landscaping still under contract for lawn care, which is our largest expense area.
The potential exists for significant lake expenses
The ’08 budget will be finalized in January after the Bureau of labor Statistics publishes the consumer price index.

Landscaping Report
Dougherty Lake Landscape Maintenance
We are in the middle of a second 3-year contract with Symmetry Landscaping. They continue to do an excellent job of maintaining all of our common grounds. Irrigation Services continues to do a fine job of maintaining the irrigation system. We have irrigation at the playground/park, lake common ground area, and entrance island.

We are in the process of improving the Dougherty Lake wooded property next to the playground. Numerous dead trees have been removed. This winter, invasive honeysuckle shrubs in this area will be cut, stumps treated with herbicide and brush hauled away.
The MSD, Charter Cable, and AmerenUE companies have all been digging away in our playground/park area.
It has been a trustee challenge to ensure restoration work gets accomplished to our satisfaction!

Cul-de-sac Islands
Perennials were added to the Briar Fork Road cul-de-sac circles north and south of Beaver Dam Road. Thank you again to the neighbors providing water to their circles.

Des Peres Road Easement

  • North of the entrance, the City of Des Peres removed 2 failing redbud trees and a dead maple.
  • Dougherty Lake planted 3 ‘Forest Pansy’ redbud trees in the empty spaces. ‘Forest Pansy’ is a purple-leaved cultivar of the popular Missouri native redbud tree. After the trees bloom, the leaves open bright reddish-purple and gradually mature to a more muted purple during the summer.
  • Thank you to those Dougherty Lake neighbors who back up to Des Peres Road for providing irrigation to the new trees located behind their homes.
  • South of the entrance, the retaining wall project was completed. As was reported in the last newsletter, this was a 3-year project involving the City of Des Peres, the Missouri Dept. of Conservation, private contractors, and, of course, Dougherty Lake homeowners and trustees.
  • The trees that were planted above the retaining wall are Kousa dogwoods and ‘Prairie Fire’ crabapples. The wall pockets will soon be planted with groundcover sedum to provide additional color.

Lake and Streetlight Maintenance

  • Lake Report
    • This year all cable and hardware attachments to the lake aerators were replaced with stainless steel components.
    • We have begun a 6-month scheduled testing of the lake outlet valve to prevent possible problems with rust
    • We have engaged the services of Reitz and Jens Engineering Consultants to re-inspect and provide written and verbal reports of the dame and outlet system, as was done in 2001.
    • We will be proceeding with a testing of the lake water for contaminants as was done in 2001.
    • A question was asked regarding the algae, and Jim’s response was that the algae actually helps with the health of the fish over the winter.
    • A question was asked regarding our legal obligations with our lake and Jim’s response was that we are only obligated to maintain dam height to prevent flooding.
  • Street Lights Report
    • All streetlights were cleaned in July of this year.
    • Ongoing problems with street lamp outages resulted in the replacement of numerous sensors, transformers, and lamp trees within the past month.
    • We are investigating an alternative system to reduce maintenance costs in the future. More information will be provided as we receive it.

General Maintenance Report
The guardrail by the dam was painted this year. There was no leaf pick-up done this year but we do plan to clean the streets.

Jim Harris introduced the nomination of Carel Reynolds as Communications Trustee and Tim Fletcher stated that Jim Harris would continue on as President for another term. Fred Shaffstall seconded the nominations and it was passed by acclamation.

The meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m.