Please contact John Steuterman at if you wish to participate.

Agenda for September 23, 2020 Board of Trustees Meeting

6:30 p.m.  –  Zoom Meeting


  1. Meeting Called to Order and Roll Call of Trustees
  2. Introduction of Guests
  3. Approval of the Minutes from August Meeting/Amend the Agenda


  1. Report of Trustees
  2. Landscape
  3. Communication
  4. Lake and Lights (report attached)
  5. Treasurer
  6. President
  7. Audit


  1. Old Business – Process for Residents Contacting the Trustees (Carel/Cathy)
  2. New Business – Establish Subcommittee to plan for Indenture/Annual Meetings
  3. Executive Session with Attorney – Discussion of Cathy/Carel’s Comments on Proposed indentures.


Adjournment/date for next meeting


Lake Lights Trustee Report 20200922