Dougherty Lake Subdivision Trustee Meeting Minutes

September 20, 2017 – 6:30 pm
St. Gerard of Majella
Conference Room 227

1. John Steuterman Called the Meeting to Order

2. Carel Reynolds took roll call: John Steuterman, Rich Hall, Carel Reynolds, Chuck Toedtman, Greg Hoffman, Ron Nottmeier, Jim Lees and Richard Hibbs were present

3. Minutes from the 8.23.17 meeting were approved.

4. Report of the Trustees
A. Landscapping (no report)
B. Lake Management (Rich Hall)
In an attempt to address the scum on the lake, Rich has begun a more aggressive treatment plan. Rich also shared his plan to replace the street lights at the lake and playground. All approved his recommendations.
C. Communications (Carel Reynolds)
Planning for the October 1 Fall Picnic is in full swing. Mr. Osman offered to bring his racing boat to the event for photo ops and all approved. Chuck Toedtman offered his driveway or front lawn for parking the boat.
D. Finance (Chuck Toedtman)
Chuck reported the Account Balances as of 9.20.17
a. Checking – $21,831.25
b. Lake Reserve – $100,284.17
c. Money Market – $67,673.60
d. $27,677.37 spent to date this fiscal year
e. $40,000.00 was moved into the Lake Reserve
f. Liability Insurance has been paid
E. President (John Steuterman)
John plans to address the Public Works letter with Mr. Meyer personally.

5. Amendment of the Agenda
A. Temporary Landscape Trustee
B. Tax Filings
C. Dam and Trees Report

6. Old Business
A. John asked for a vote of acceptance of the resignation from Lisa Kadel/Landscape Trustee. All approved
B. John asked for a vote of acceptance of the resignation from Chuck Toedtman/Treasurer. All approved.
C. John asked for a vote for the appointment of James Lees as Trustee/Treasurer (Interim). All approved.
D. Discussion of Missouri Revenue Tax Request
a. We received a letter from the State of Missouri stating that we had not filed taxes in 2014. Chuck Toedtman admitted that he had failed to file taxes in 2014, 2015 and 2016.
b. John insisted that this be rectified and asked for Mr. Hoffman’s advice as our attorney. Mr. Hoffman will write a letter asking for more time to gather the necessary documents to file taxes for all three years. Chuck agreed to gather the necessary documents as quickly as possible so that Mr. Hoffman can hire an outside CPA to handle the filings.
E. Transition of Accounting Information/Chuck and Jim Lees
a. John asked Chuck when he would be able to transition the accounting files to Jim Lees and Chuck stated he would do so as soon as possible. This answer was not acceptable and asked Chuck to come up with a date that this transfer can be expected.

7. New Business
A. John asked for a vote to appoint Dr. John G. Steuterman, Jr. as Interim Landscape Trustee until a replacement can be found. All approved.

B. John began a discussion regarding the establishment of subcommittees under each Trustee in order to keep up with the needs of our aging subdivision. All agreed and John, Carel and Rich will begin working on a mailing to the homeowners. John also recommended we request the opinions of all homeowners on what they prefer we do to improve Dougherty Lake. Carel and John will work on that survey.

C. Discussion on Lake Health
Rich Hall would like to seek advice from Lake Management professionals. All agreed.

D. John recommended we go out to the homeowners via survey to learn how they invasion improving the neighborhood aesthetics and development Three areas we feel need addressing are below. Carel and John will begin working on this.
a. Playground
b. Front Entrance
c. Development of Public Lake Access

E. The question was asked whether we should consider Professional Management of the Subdivision. Several stated that this would be a last resort if we are not able to obtain volunteers from the homeowners. We all need to be invested in our neighborhood for its future success. We will wait to see what the survey shows us.

8. The meeting was adjourned

9. Date and time for next meeting will be October 25, 2017 at 6:30 pm at St. Gerard Majella.

Respectfully submitted by Carel Reynolds, Communicaations Trustee

John Steuterman         Carel Reynolds               Richard Hall
President                        Communications          Lake & Lighting

James Lees                                     Michael Wardlaw
Treasurer                                         Landscaping