Dougherty Lake Subdivision Trustee Meeting Minutes

October 25, 2017, 6:30 pm

 Saint Gerard Magella

Conference Room

 1.      John Steuterman called the meeting to order.

 2.   Roll call by Carel Reynolds: All trustees present except for Rich Hall with an excused absence. Audit committee members Ron Nottmeier, Dick Hibbs and Tim Schilling were present. Guests included Karen Myrick, Tracy McMillin and Sandy Powers.

 3.  Minutes from the September 20 board meeting were approved.

4.  Report of the Trustees

         A.  Landscapping (Mike Wardlaw)

1.  Mike reported that he has attempted to obtain a landscaping bid from three companies but has only received one bid from Topcare. John asked for a vote to approve hiring Topcare, all approved subject to our attorney looking over the contract.

2.      Mike has investigated the holes reported in the playground area and plans to repair them.

3.      Camberwell Court cul-de-sac will be addressed as well as the fence along Des Peres Road.

4.      Mike reported that the irrigation system has been shut down.

         B.  Lake Management  (Rich Hall)

1.      In his absence Rich submitted a written report.

2.      The two tall lights by the dam and the one tall light by the playground have been repaired. New LED light fixtures have been installed along with a daylight sensor making these lights essentially dawn to dusk lights.

3.      The light at Stump Road/Stump Court is scheduled to be repaired on November 6.

4.      Lake aerators will be turned ovv in early November and will be turned back on in Maarch.

5.      General thought: As we make plans for future improvements to our neighborhood (Lakeside development, potential tree removal on the dam, lake dredging, dam inspection, etc.) Rich recommends that we review the more recent documents/reports we have received from our engineers (Reitz & Jens) and ask them for their expert opinion. This will cost a few $$ but whatever we do in/near the lake, we must maintain the integrity of the dam.

         C.  Communications (Carel Reynolds) – No report

         D.  Finance (Jim Lees)

1.      All finances have been turned over to Jim and he is in the process of verifying account balances. A computer was purchased solely for the use of the Treasurer Trustee.

2.      Jim asked that all original receipts for purchased by turned into him as soon as possible.

         E.  President (John Steuterman)

1.      John tendered his resignation as Interim Landscape Trustee

2.      John has established an Indenture Focus Group.

3.      John asked Carel Reynolds to contact the McCulla’s to verify that their play structure is complete.

5.   Amendment of the Agenda – None

6.   Old Business

                  A.  Jim Lees reported that he is working with a CPA firm to resolve the delinquent tax situation.

                  B.  Carel Reynolds is working to organize the Focus Group Discussions and will report back next month.

7.   New Business – None

8.   The meeting was adjourned. Date and time for next meeting will be December 6 at 6:30 pm at St. Gerard Majella conference room. This will be primarily a budget meeting as well as planning for the Annual Subdivision Meeting on January 24 at 7:00 pm at Des Peres Lodge, Oak Room.

Respectfully submitted by Carel Reynolds