Minutes for Dougherty Lake Subdivision Annual Meeting
March 4, 2020 – 7:00-8:30 p.m.
Des Peres Lodge Oak Room, 1050 Des Peres Road
- Meeting Called To Order (John G. Steuterman, Jr.)
- Introduction of the Trustees (Carel Reynolds)
Trustees present: John Steuterman, Carel Reynolds, Rich Hall, Tom Bahn and Mike Wardlaw.
Audit Committee present: Ron Nottmeier, Dick Hibbs and Tim Schilling
- Introduction of Mr. Todd Billy, J.D. (John Steuterman)
- Amendment of the Agenda – None proposed
- Annual Trustee Reports
- President (John Steuterman) (See full report)
John turned the floor over to Mr. Todd Billly, J.D. who shared his role in updating Dougherty Lake’s current indentures (which many homeowners feel is outdated) with new updated indentures using current language. Part of the process was Dougherty Lake becoming a Not for Profit Association which helps protect the trustees. For more information see attached full report from Mr. Billy.
Question from the floor: Are the proposed indentures totally new or an update of the old indentures? Answer by Mr. Billy was that they are totally new.
Trustee Carel Reynolds clarified that the trustees have spent considerable time making sure relevant parts of the old indentures were included in the new proposed indentures. After the trustees finish updating the proposed indentures, they will be mailed to every homeowner for review. A meeting will be set in the future to allow homeowners to bring their questions and comments to the Trustees and Mr. Billy for full clarification. All homeowners will vote on the indentures at a future date tbd.
- Communication (Carel Reynolds) See full written report.
- Lights and Lake (Rich Hall) See full written report
- Landscape (Mike Wardlaw) See full written report
- Treasurer (Tom Bahn)
Tom reported that we were in good fiscal condition. All of our accounts have been moved to M1 Bank because of a better interest rate and for continuity. The 2020 HOA shall be $348.50 from
$343.00 with the COLA of 1.6% being the difference.
- Audit. (Ron Nottmeier)
See full 2019 Statement of Receipts, Disbursements and Cash Balance.
- Old Business
- Presentation of 2020 Subdivision Budget (Bahn/Nottmeier)
See the attached 2020 Budget. Lake and lighting expenses are expected to go up but we will try to manage them accordingly.
- New Business
- Election of Two Trustees: Landscape and Communications
Landscape Trustee candidate Cathy Bouchein was unanimously approved.
Communications Trustee Carel Reynolds has offered to continue, and all agreed.
- Adjournment
Respectfully submitted by Carel Reynolds, Communications Trustees
Communications Trustee Report for 2019
2019 Year End President’s Annual Report for Annual Meeting 3.4.20