Dougherty Lake Subdivision Trustee Meeting Minutes

May 23, 2018 – 6:30 pm – Saint Gerard Magella – Room 224

1. The meeting was called to order and the following Trustees and Auditors were present: John Steuterman, Rich Hall, Jim Lees, Ron Nottmeier, and Tim Schilling.

3. The minutes from the previous meeting were approved.

4. Report of the Trustees

A. John Steuterman opened the Trustee Reports with Ron Nottmeier:

Ron gave a brief overview of the history of City &Village Tax Services and their current mission of collecting assessments and basic bookkeeping services for subdivisions in the metro area.

Ron discussed his meetings with City and Village Tax and the consideration of suing their bookkeeping services for the day to day financial responsibilities.

Ron advised the Board members that a representative from C&V was invited to attend our meetings and no appropriate date could be arranged from C&V perspective.

The Trustee/Auditor group discussed the advantages and disadvantages of moving the day to day bookkeeping needs from the Treasurer to C&V.


#1. Allows the treasurer to become a manager of financial affairs and less reliance on bookkeeping skills
#2. DLS already pays for this service in the fees sent back to C&V.

Disadvantages; Jim Lees felt that DLS loses basic control of their financial needs. Jim felt that as our current treasurer he was capable and willing to continue with the current responsibilities as treasurer.

After discussion of these two points, it was felt by a voice vote, 5 BOT and 2 Auditor all in favor, of continuing with the current arrangement and the BOT/Auditors can revisit this conversation at the start of the fiscal year at the Annual Meeting or during a regularly scheduled BOT meeting in 2019.

B. Landscaping (Mike Wardlaw)

Mike reported that the irrigation system is working with the exception of the front entrance. It still needs additional work. He is in regular conversations with Topcare regarding the entrance as well.

C. Lake Management (Rich Hall)

Rich reported that the large aerator was installed. The light globes in the subdivision have been
cleaned however some showed some damage. The committee will discuss next steps.

D. Communications (Carel Reynolds)

Carel presented a proposal for the new playground set. All approved the motion.
Regarding the lakefront improvements, Carel reported the results of the survey sent to all
homeowners. Results are as follows:
• Out of 187 homes, 66% of homes provided valid useful input.
• 33.33% voted not to have a proposal/vote on a deck, 66.66% voted for a proposal
• 54% voted against any kind of assessment, 46% voted for an assessment.

E. Finance (Jim Lees)

Jim reported that the annual assessment will be mailed June 1.
Attached is our current financial report.

F. President (John Steuterman)

Subsequent to our last meeting, my report is as follows:
#1. Reviewed the efficacy of Top Care Landscape services with Mike Wardlaw, Landscape Trustee. Both Mike and I proposed recommendations to Steve Hellwege of Topcare for improvement on the timing and extent of grass cutting in DLS.
#2. Received from Mr. Greg Hoffmann, the DLS attorney, his recommendations for retention of important documents when planning the digital storage program with Microtek.
#3. I had 3 phone conversations with Mr. Aaron Liess, VP of Microtek Information Storage on protocols for implementing a digital storage system with his company.
a. Microtek was chosen by Tim Schilling from a list of potential companies to handle our digital storage needs.
b. Sent three different emails to the Trustees on the topic of digital storage
c. Per the recommendations from Mr. Liess on organization of our data, passed these recommendations on file identification to each trustee and member of Audit to begin the process of cost identification on digital storage.
d. Discussed with Tim Schilling a revised protocol of starting our digital storage process with the most recent data from our May meeting, the minutes from the 2017-18 Trustee meetings, monthly and yearly financial reports for 2017/18, and the current contracts that support the Subdivision, legal opinions affecting DLS.
e: Any historical data before 2017 would not be scanned at this time. A review of these documents can occur at any time in the future.
#4. Discussed with Ron Nottmeier and Jim Lees their thoughts and recommendations on the use of City Village Tax to handle our day to day bookkeeping needs.
#5. Facilitated the transfer of home addresses from Chuck Toedtman to Jim Lees with Lang Insurance Company. Lang handles our insurance contracts for DLS, Eileen Tow agent with Lang.
#6. Telephone consultation with Mr. David Donovan P.E., from Missouri Department of Natural Resources concerning guard rail requirements and construction on dams.
#7. Reviewed online information provided by Eileen Toy of Lang Insurance concerning guard rails and dam protection requirements.
5. No Amendments of the Agenda

6. Old Business
A. Review of Playground/Lake Development

• Motion to Approve

1) Where as, the Dougherty Lake Subdivision Board of Trustees (DLSBOT) did authorize the establishment of a Lake front Development Committee,
2) Where as, This Committee did meet under the leadership of the Communications Trustee and did establish guidelines for the construction of a lakefront deck,
3) Where as, It is the intent of this committee to request design and build plans from appropriate local companies skilled in deck construction,
4) Where as, The DLSBOT has the fiduciary and legal requirements, per the Indentures, to approve and direct the development of this plan,
5) Where as, this lakefront deck is to be built on, and into, the dam located on the north side of Beaver Dam Road,
6) Where as, Reitz and Jens is the engineering company that designed the dam and represents DLS in questions of engineering,

Resolved that, DLSBOT, upon receipt of design/build plans from appropriate construction companies for the proposed lakefront deck, would submit these plans to Reitz and Jens Engineering Company for review to ascertain appropriate safety, design, and adherence to all stated and/or federal guidelines for structures built on this dam,

Resolve that, Upon the review of these plans by Reitz and Jens, the DLSBOT would make the final determination of the most appropriate design/build plan and submit this information to DLS for comment.

a) Motion approved by all 5 Trustees.

7. No new Business

8. Adjournment/Date for next meeting will be July 11, SGM at 6:30 pm

Respectfully submitted by Carel Reynolds, Communications Trustee

May 2018 Financials