Your trustees and neighbors on the lake have been busy since the beginning of the year working to have lake property owners‘ retaining walls repaired or replaced.  After several meetings, lake property owners signed individual contracts to replace several of the retaining walls with an approved stone.  Not all homeowners at this time choose to replace their retaining walls.   Some opted to just repair their current walls.
As you know the lake level had been lowered and work began in early spring.   As Mother Nature would have it we experienced one of the wettest springs in a hundred years according to weather service reports, causing much delay to the project.
At the suggestion of Reitz and Jens, our engineering consultants, we decided to dredge some of the dirt from the inlet area of the lake. This would prolong the need for a full dredge and save the subdivision substantially in the future.
Once the dredge is complete, the walls will be finished and the plants that have taken over the lake will be cut down and removed. The lake will be treated with a lake eco-system friendly herbicide, if necessary.  Then Mother Nature will take over and refill our lovely lake once again.
We truly appreciate your patience and look forward to the return of our lake to its past condition.
Sandy Baker
Your Dougherty Lake President