Dougherty Lake Subdivision Trustee Meeting Minutes

June 7, 2017 – 6:30 pm

Saint Gerards Magella, Room 225


1.     John Steuterman called meeting to order

2.     Carel Reynolds did roll call, all trustees present in addition to Ron Nottmeier and Jim Lees, Audit Committee.

3.  Minutes for the 5.4.17 meeting were approved.

4.  Report of the Trustees

          A.  Landscaping (Lisa Kadel)

Lisa reported that the irrigation in the garden by the lake is broken. She has asked them Sprinkler Company to mark the lines well to avoid further damage while tending the garden. Lisa also reported seeing 2 homeowners with heavy over growth in their yards. She will send them a letter to get it corrected.

          B.  Lake Management (Rich Hall)

Dye and bacteria was added recently. Chuck Toedtman is working on the new lighting by the lake. Regarding the Osman flooding situation, Jim Lees offered to assist Rich in finding a solution.

          C.  Communications (Carel Reynolds)

Carel is working with new organizers for the Fishing Derby, date to be determined. Carel will be organizing the Fall Picnic again this year.

          D.  Finance (Chuck Toedtman)

Chuck gave an overview of the Account Balances as of 6/7/17.          

a. Checking – $5,352.62

    b. Lake Reserve – $60,276.50

    c. Money Market – $74,740.84

    d. $15.696.44 spent to date this Fiscal Year

    e. $52.45 paid in service charges.

    f. $676.57 paid in credit card charges

    g. 33 unpaid assessments as of 5/15/17.

Chuck requested a better system of explaining charges on credit cards. The auditors will come up with a process.

          E.  President (John Steuterman)

                             1.  Fidelity Bond

                                      a. Lang Insurance, will report under Old Business

5.   Amendment of the Agenda

A. Trees

B. Signs

C. Bush

6.   Old Business

                   A.  No Audit Committee Report

                   B.  Osman Property Discussion

                             Rich Hall and Jim Lees will work on it.

                   C.  Fidelity Bond Discussion

John Steuterman will follow up with Lang Insurance on the Fidelity Bond.

                   D. Trees and Sign

John will call Steve Meyer to trim the trees along Des Peres Road and by the stop sign.

                   E. Bush Honeysuckle

Cissy Bahn requested help eliminating the Bush Honeysuckle behind the playground. Carel will contact Jim Gruenewald for help. The trustees agreed to host a wine and appetizer party at the park while the work goes on.

7.   No New Business

8.   Adjournment

9.   Date and time for next meeting 7/19 or 7/20 at 6:30 pm.

Respectfully submitted by Carel Reynolds, Communications Trustee.