Dougherty Lake Subdivision Trustee Meeting Minutes
July 26, 2017 – 6:30 pm
Saint Gerard Magella Parish Room 227
1. John Steuterman Called the Meeting to Order
2. Carel Reynolds took Roll Call. All trustees were present along with Jim Lees, Dick Hibbs, Ron Nottmeier, Greg Hoffman, Moira Steuterman and Eraka McCulla.
3. Minutes from the June 7 meeting were approved
4. Amendment of the Agenda
A. Mrs. Eraka McCulla had no formal presentation for the trustees to consider. She explained that she was willing to do whatever is necessary to meet our needs.
- a. Lisa Kadel requested a set of plans
- b. Chuck Toedtman asked that their designer take into consideration that the tree will continue to grow.
- c. Carel Reynolds asked them to set a time frame that it will remain up.
- d. Rich Hall asked what and how it will be used, the life span, and reasonable engineering safety plans.
5. Report of the Trustees
A. Lisa Kadel , Landscaping Trustee shared that the benches and all signs at the lake/playground had been restored. She also shared her vision for the west end of the lakefront plantings. All agreed it was good.
B. Rich Hall, Lake/Lighting Management Trustee explained that he recently added algae chemicals and dye to the lake. He also reported that the house near the Butterworth’s old house was repaired.
C. Carel Reynolds, Communications Trustee had no report
D. Chuck Toedtman, Finance Trustee shared his financial report.
· Account Balances as of 7/26/17
Checking $1,597.61
Lake Reserve $60,279.07
Money Market $74,064.58
· $20,810.63 spent to date this Fiscal Year
· 5 unpaid assessments as of July 26, 2017. Chuck asked if he should file liens and all agreed to file.
· The judgement case against one homeowner has only made 2 payments and is delinquent again. We will wait to see if they catch up.
1. John Steuterman, Trustee President asked Greg Hoffman if we were in order with our comments and procedures regarding the McCulla structure and he assured us that we were.
2. Old Business
a. John Steuterman reported that he had established an online presence with US Bank. John now possesses a debit card for emergencies.
b. Monthly U.S. Bank Statements/Credit Card Reviews will be sent to each Trustee for approval.
c. John reported that two homeowners asked for architectural review for proposed decks which he approved.
d. John is in the process of researching a Crime Policy with Lang Insurance. He asked for input from the auditors.
e. The Audit Committee reported that they will begin a six month audit beginning in August 2017. In addition, they presented examples of year-end statements for the Treasurer to use.
6. New Business
1. Carel Reynolds asked what the status of the fence cleaning and painting is and Lisa Kadel reported that it was not necessary this year.
7. Our next meeting will be 8/23/17 at 6:30 pm at St. Gerard Majella Room 227 pending their approval.
8. Meeting adjourned
Respectfully submitted by Carel Reynolds, Communications Trustee