Minutes of July 11, 2018

Dougherty Lake Subdivision Boat of Trustees

 Thursday, July 12, 2018

The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm at Saint Gerard’s School, room 227 by Dr. Steuterman. The following Trustees and Auditors were present:

Dr. John Steuterman, Jr. (T)

Mr. Michael Wardlaw(T)

Mr. Richard Hall (T)

Mr. James Lees (T)

Mr. Ron Nottmeier (A)

Mr.  Richard Hibbs (A)

 Absent with excuse:

Mrs. Carel Reynold (T)

Mr. Tim Schilling (A)

The minutes as provided by Mrs. Reynolds was approved unanimously. 

Report of the Trustees:

#1.  Landscape.  Mr. Wardlaw discussed his concerns with Topcare lawn management and the conversations he has had with Steve Helleweg (Topcare manager) referencing the lawn care management.  At this time, it appears that the corrections are occurring .  Topcare had offered a bid to address the front entrance aesthetics.  However, the Trustees and Auditors elected to suggest that DLS seek the services of an horticultural company with experience in designed our front entrance.  Mr. Wardlaw has two companies he is comfortable working with and he will research their expertise. Mr Hibbs agreed to join the Landscape Committee as an active member.  Mr. Wardlaw present a written report and this report will be entered into the minutes.

#2.  Lake Management.  Mr. Hall presented his written report and this report is to be entered into the minutes for this meeting.

#3.  Communications.  Mrs. Reynolds submitted a written report that identified the successful installation of the new play set and the deck design is on ‘hold’ right now due to the issues with the dam and Beaver Dam Road.  The report was entered into the minutes for this meeting.

#4.  Finance.  Mr. Lees is planning to visit the office of the accountant hired to address the un-filed  tax returns within the next week.  There was discussion on reducing the number of credit cards to only one credit number (2 cards will exist) and increase the dollar amount to $1500.00.  Dr. Steuterman will meet with US Bank to arrange this new credit card structure.  The BOT requested that Mr. Lees receive credit card receipts electronically, whenever possible.  Mr Lees was not aware of the discussion concerning opening a Certificate of Deposit for the Lake Account as presented by Mr Nottmeier.  Mr. Lees was asked to discuss this opinion with Mr Nottmeier and a decision can be discussed at the next meeting in August. Mr. Lees requested a confirmation of a $3500.00 bill from Daniel (Dan the Lawn Care Man).  There is no record of the services provided.  Mr. Lees offered to send this information to Dr. Steuterman and   Dr. Steuterman will contact Mrs. Lisa Kadel, the former Landscape Trustee for some clarification. There was no written report from Mr Lees.

#5.  Audit.  Mr. Nottmeier presented his idea of opening a CD for the Lake Account to increase the potential of improved rate of return.  It was agreed that these funds would remain liquid should an emergency arise.

There was no Amendment to the Agenda

Old Business

#1.  Dr. Steuterman advised the BOT that any movement toward a digital storage system is predicated on a review of the paper documents that any of the Trustees may have in their possession.  Once the physical documents can be viewed by Microtech, a cost structure can be determined.  It was the unanimous opinion of the BOT and Auditors present that a digital storage system is vital to the long term success for this Board.  It is the vote of the Trustees at this meeting that every effort be made to accomplish a digital storage system, even using an Apple program if a private company cannot be utilized.

#2.  Landscape Committee Report.  Refer to Mr. Wardlaw’s Trustee report.

#3.  Beaver Dam Report.  Mr. Wardlaw present his discussion with Steve Meyer, P.E. of Public Works and Christopher of American Water.  The problem that exists can be serious and we will not know the extent of the problem until American Water has done the survey.  American Water recognizes the seriousness of the problem.  American Water was surpassed that the premature failure of the water lines and one of several solutions would be the abandoning of the current water lines as the western portion of the Subdivision receives its water supply  from the western subdivision (Royal Acres).   Mr. Wardlaw stated the Public Works will begin the removal of the trees after American Water’s survey on both side of the dam as these trees are adversely affecting the structure of the dam.  At an appropriate time a letter will be sent to the Subdivision discussing the rationale for tree removal and any other repairs to this dam.

New Business.

#1.  Budget Organization Process.  Mr Nottmeier outlined his recommendations for organizing the budget process.  The BOT will start the preliminary work of identifying goals and objectives at the August meeting.  Mr. Nottmeier advised that the Annual Business meeting should occur well into February 2019 to allow Audit time to reconcile the budget numbers.

#2.  Fence Variance Request.  Dr. Steuterman will sent an email to this new family requesting their view for this variance.  The plan is to outline for these residents the protocol for requesting a variance.  Mr.s Hall and Wardlaw offered to join in this initial conversation.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m.  The next meeting will be August 22, 2018 at 6:30 p.m.  The Trustees and Auditors  requested  the Communications Trustee to reserve room 227 for this upcoming meeting, if possible. 

Respectfully submitted,

Dr. John G. Steuterman, Jr.


Board of Trustees

Lake & Lights Trustee Report 2018.07.11