Dougherty Lake Subdivision Trustee Meeting Minutes

January 23, 2019, 6:30 pm

St. Gerard Majella, Room 227


  1. John Steuterman called the meeting to Order
  2. Roll Call by Carel Reynolds. All trustees present and auditors Ron Nottmeier and Tim Schilling.
  3. Minutes for the December 19 meeting was approved
  4. Report of the Trustees
  5. Landscaping (Mike Wardlaw)

Mike has reached out to two vendors this week to get bids on cutting/trimming the trees along Des Peres Road per the request of the city. The City of Des Peres will grind down the stumps once they finish cutting trees around the city. They cut all the trees at once and then grind stumps in a circuit of sorts.

Mike also confirmed with Top Care that they are ready to go for the new season.

  1. Lake Management (Rich Hall)

The Christmas trees are going in as soon as possible. The new monument lights are installed. Rich is also working on a manual for management of the lake and lights.

  1. Communications (Carel Reynolds)

Carel is ready to begin the process of working on the directory. Carel asked Jim Lees to forward any new resident reports he receives from City and Village so that she can send a welcome packet to them. Carel has also been fielding a lot of calls regarding the deer population. Our alderman is now involved.

  1. Finance (Jim Lees)

See report.

  1. President (John Steuterman)

See report. John asked that all trustee reports be sent to him and Carel by February 1 so that they can be posted to our website prior to the annual meeting.

  1. Audit (Ron Nottmeier)

See reports regarding City and Village activities.

  1. Amendment of the Agenda


  1. Old Business
  2. Approval and Finalization of 2019 DLS Budget

Tim Schilling will finalize the budget for 2019 and it will be posted to our website prior to the annual meeting.

  1. Format for Trustee and Auditor Reports for Annual Meeting

John Steuterman asked that everyone keep their reports short and concise.

  1. Discussion on Absentee Ballot Proposal

Rich Hall stated that he is not ready to present the absentee ballot change. Instead he suggested we discuss it with the homeowners at the annual meeting.

  1. Legal Agreement @ Mr. Ruben/DLS (Reynolds/Steuterman)
  2. Transferring DLS legal files to Ruben from Hoffmann

Carel Reynolds will confirm that Greg Hoffmann’s files are up to date regarding indenture changes. John will deliver the files to Mr. Ruben.

  1. New Business
  • City and Village Escrow Account for DLS (Nottmeier/Lees)
  • Ron proposed that reasonably detailed (a) Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Cash Balance for the preceding year and (b) Budget Statement for the upcoming year be electronically provided to all residents at least 1 calendar week before the Annual Meeting. All agreed and it will be presented at the annual meeting for a vote.
  • Ron proposed that we email the annual meeting notice instead of mailing first class. Carel Reynolds stated that per the current indentures we are required to mail first class.
  1. John adjourned the meeting.


Respectfully submitted by Carel Reynolds, Communications Trustee

Approved via email by all Trustees.

January 23, 2019 President’s Report

1.23.2019 Finance Report

1.22.2019 Lake and Lights Report