Dougherty Lake Subdivision Trustee Meeting Minutes
January 18, 2017 – 7:00 p.m.
Saint Gerard of Magella, Room 227
John Steuterman called the meeting to order.
Roll Call – Trustees present: John Steuterman, Rich Hall, Lisa Kadel, Chuck Toedtman and Carel Reynolds – Guests present were Mr. and Mrs. Osman and Mark Glyshaw.
Minutes were approved from the Annual Meeting on November 30, 2016.
The meeting began with a presentation from Lou Osman regarding the flooding in his yard from overflow from Four Winds Farms. Lou explained that the problem has been going on for many years. His recommendation was increasing the retention pond coming out of Four Winds Farms and enlarging the pipe under Briar Fork Road entering the lake. John Steuterman will contact Des Peres and see what they can do. If necessary, Rich Hall will contact MSD to see what they propose.
The next presentation was by Mark Glyshaw regarding garbage in the lake along the shore. It asked us to hire someone to clean the lake of desbris periodically and all agreed. Rich Hall and Lisa Kadel offered to reach out to contacts they have to find a suitable company to handle the work. Carel Reynolds will contact the homeowners around the lake to obtain permission to enter their property to clean up the lake.
No Amendments of the Agenda were presented.
Reports of the Trustees
A. Rich Hall/Lake Committee
The new overflow valve has been installed at the dam at a cost of $4500.00. The handle needs cutting and welding and Chuck Toedtman offered to help with that project.
Many lights in the subdivision are in the process of being repaired.
B. Lisa Kadel/Landscaping
Lisa complained that the landscape company is negligent in sending bills on a regular basis. She will follow up with them.
A tree that is dead in the playground area needs to be removed. All approved the expenditure.
John Steuterman asked Lisa to purchase worms to kill moles in the playground. John will get them into the ground.
C. Chuck Toedtman/Finance
Chuck gave a financial update. Based on the CPI index that was just reported, the 2017 annual assessment will go up to $331.00 which will be mailed in March 2017.
Chuck will begin developing a quarterly budget to be posted on our website.
Chuck investigated repairing the lights along the lake which would cost $3500 vs installing one new dusk to dawn light for $2000 using Ameren. Chuck will report back on his findings in February.
D. Carel Reynolds/Communication
Communications as needed continues through email and by posting details on our website by Carel.
The 2017 Directory forms went out and are coming in at a good pace.
All holiday bows were taken down by Carel and Sandy Baker..
E. John Steuterman/President
John is in the process of being added to the bank account as a co-signer in case Chuck is unavailable.
John suggested we should obtain legal contracts for all contractors hired.
Old Business
John is working with Gregory Hoffmann to record the new amendment passed at the annual meeting.
John will contact Rick Lahr regarding the final report on the traffic study on Des Peres Road.
Meeting was adjourned. The next meeting will be February 22 at 7:00 pm at St. Gerard Majella, Room tbd. Carel will arrange the room.
Minutes submitted by Carel Reynolds, Communications Trustee