January 17, 2018 Dougherty Lake Subdivision
Trustee Meeting Minutes
St Gerard Magella, Room 227, 6:30 pm
1. John Steuterman Called the Meeting to Order
2. Roll Call by Carel Reynolds: John Steuterman, Michael Wardlaw, Rich Hall, Jim Lees, Ron Nottmeier, Dick Hibbs and Carel Reynolds were present.
3. Minutes from the December 13, 2017 BOT Meeting were approved.
4. Report of the Trustees
A. Landscaping: Mike Wardlaw reported all is going well and that he will have an extensive written report for the annual meeting.
B. Lake and Lighting Management: Rich Hall
C. Communications: Carel Reynolds reported that many homeowners have contacted her regarding revisiting the lakefront development. She is actively reaching out for signatures on a petition to revisit the lakefront development. Carel also reported that the Annual Meeting First Class mailing went out to all homeowners as required by the indentures.
D. Finance: James Lees gave the following report
- Current Account Balances
- Checking – $2,485.42
- Money Market – $64,608.26
- Lake Reserve – $100,302.36
- Income Received – $118.55
- Funds Transferred from US Bank to Money Market $2,600.00
- Bills Paid – $3,265.38
- The 2018 Assessment will follow the CPI increase
E. President: John Steuterman has had several conversations with Des Peres Public Works and MO American Water about the water leak at the playground. He will be following up with Mo American Water again.
F. Audit Committee: Ron Nottmeier reported that he and Jim Lees are working diligently to reconcile our financial position which will be reported in depth at the annual meeting.
a. Jim and Ron plan to attend an upcoming seminar sponsored by Sterling Management Solutions and Carmody MacDonald Law Firm regarding Legal Collections in February.
5. Amendment of the Agenda – None was presented
6. Old Business
A. Review Protocols for Annual Meeting
a. All Trustees should forward a written report for the Annual Meeting to Carel Reynolds for placement on the DLS website. In addition, an email will be sent to every homeowner asking them to download the reports.
b. John stated that during the Annual Meeting any discussion will be directed to the topic so as to reduce extraneous conversations.
B. Motion to accept Lake Development Recommendations
A. Whereas , The Board of Trustees did solicit by email volunteers from each resident email from the Subdivision to meet as a Subcommittee under the direction of the Communication Trustee to develop concepts for Lake Development,
B. Whereas. this Subcommittee did meet under the direction of the Communication Trustee,
C. Whereas, this committee did present recommendations and signatures to the BOT to reflect their efforts,
Resolve, the DLS BOT will review the recommendations and propose the following plans:
1. Architectural and Engineering Drawings developed by licensed Missouri Professions to reflect the opinions of the Subcommittee and the BOT.
2. Development of a Budget for the Lake Development
3. The results of these plans will be reviewed by the BOT and presented to the Subdivision for final approval at a future date in 2018.
Motion to Discuss, There was no discussion and the motion passed. Carel will meeting with her committee to begin the process.
7. No New Business
8. Adjournment/ next meeting will be the January 24, 2018 Annual Meeting at the Lodge at Des Peres at 7:00 pm.
Respectfully submitted by Carel Reynolds, Communications Trustee.