Dougherty Lake Subdivision Trustee Meeting Minutes

February 22, 2017 – 7:00 p.m.

Saint Gerard of Magella, Room 227

John Steuterman called the meeting to order.

Roll Call – Trustees present: John Steuterman, Rich Hall, Lisa Kadel, Chuck Toedtman and Carel Reynolds – Guests present were Jim Lees, Dick Hibbs, Ron Nottmeier, Mr. and Mrs. Osman, and Mark Glyshaw.

Minutes were approved from the January 18, 2017 Trustee meeting.

No Amendments of the Agenda were presented.

Reports of the Trustees

  1. Rich Hall/Lake Committee

Aerators will be turned on 4/1/17.

Four of the five street lights have been repaired. Rich and Carel will contact each homeowner who has street light power going into their homes.

  1. Lisa Kadel/Landscaping

No Report

  1. Chuck Toedtman/Finance

Chuck gave a financial update. In addition he reported that three liens were filed and one delinquent homeowner paid their assessment in full.

John asked Chuck to verify that the lawsuit was in fact filed on one homeowner.

Regarding the discussion around possible Lake Kayaking, Chuck contacted the insurance company and they stated that our bylaws prohibit boats in the lake. He asked them if we change the bylaws, how much would it cost us and they said they would get back to him. He also asked them to report on what we need to provide to them. They gave Chuck a list of questions to be answered first which he passed along to Mark Glyshaw for answers. Mark presented his opinion on each question.

  1. Carel Reynolds/Communication

Communications as needed continues through email and by posting details on our website by Carel.

Carel will send an email blast to all homeowners regarding the April assessment.

  1. John Steuterman/President

No report

Old Business

  • John will contact Rick Lahr regarding the final report on the traffic study on Des Peres Road.
  • John introduced the three subdivision auditors; Ron Nottmeier, Jim Lees and Dick Hibbs. A brief background was presented by each auditor.
  • Rich Hall reported on the Reitz & Jens, Inc. Engineering Services Proposal to correct the flooding taking place at the Osman’s home. Chuck suggested we obtain competitive bids. Motion was made and passed for us to contact residents of Dougherty Lake to see if anyone has any knowledge of what is needed. Rich and Carel will reach out to residents. Lou Osman, Rich Hall and Jim Lees offered to form a sub-committee to investigate further.
  • Trash in the lake will be picked up as needed. Carel will contact all homeowners along the lake to obtain permission to enter their property for clean-up work.
  • Regarding the possible Lake Kayaking, Mark Glyshaw suggested that we consider requiring boat owners to pay a hold-harmless liability permit. Carel suggested that monitoring the boats would be difficult. Chuck agreed with the permits to cover the insurance cost; and also suggested we forbid boats to be kept in the lake or disabled in yards facing the lake, and no docks would be allowed.
  • John stated he is not in favor of the kayaking. More information is needed.

Meeting was adjourned. The next meeting will be May 3 at 6:30 pm at St. Gerard Majella, Room tbd. Carel will arrange the room.

Minutes submitted by Carel Reynolds, Communications Trustee

Minutes approved by all Trustees: