Dougherty Lake Subdivision Trustee Meeting Minutes

January 27, 2016, 7:00 p.m.

St. Gerard Majella School, Room 227

 John Steuterman called the meeting to order

Roll call by Carel Reynolds, all Trustees present as well as guest Jim Gruenewald

Minutes from the December 30, 2015 meeting was approved

Amendment of the Agenda

  • John Steuterman added an amendment to the agenda to discuss trash removal

Report of Trustees

  • Carel Reynolds, Communications Trustee reported that all holiday decorations were removed and stored. She also noted that Sandy Baker has offered to sponsor a spring garage sale. Carel sent an email to the residents requesting their input regarding a date for the sale.
  • Lisa Kadel, Landscape Trustee had no report
  • Chuck Toedtman, Treasurer reported our on finances as of January. In addition he requested permission to file a law suit against one homeowner for non-payment of Neighborhood Assessments in the amount of $3,168.62. We would utilize the services of City and Village Tax Office’s attorney. All were in favor. In addition, Chuck reported four other families who have not paid their assessment from this past fall. Carel Reynolds will contact each homeowner to notify them. If payment is not received within one week, Chuck will pursue filing liens against each of them.
  • Rich Hall, Lake and Lighting Trustee will report later under old business
  • John Steuterman, President had no report

Old Business

Lisa Kadel report on Trustee Credit Cards

      • Whereas it is the desire of the Dougherty Lake Subdivision Board of Trustees to co-ordinate subdivision expenses,
      • Whereas it is prudent and reasonable to consider credit or debit cards to be used,
      • Whereas it is considered financially acceptable to issue such cards to individual Board of Trustees members,
      • therefore, Each Board of Trustees member, at their discretion, be assigned one card at $1,000.00 limit
      • The Finance Trustee to establish the appropriate rules concerning such cards
      • Resolved, The Finance Trustee secure appropriate number of credit cards
      • All approved this resolution.

Rich Hall Report on Christmas Tree/Lake Habitat

  • Whereas it is appropriate for the Lake Trustee or his/her designate, to investigate, supervise, or review those lake issues deemed appropriate,
  • Whereas it is reasonable for Dougherty Lake Subdivision to own, and operate, a non-motorized boat,
  • Whereas the cost of said boat not to exceed $1200.00, therefore
  • Resolved, #1. Under the direct supervision of the Lake Trustee, the Board of Trustees authorizes the purchase of a non-motorized boat
  • The Lake Trustee will develop use criteria of said boat and submit these criteria for approval to the Dougherty Lake Subdivision Board of Trustees by email no later than February 15, 2016. These criteria would include a storage location that is acceptable to the neighborhood.
  • All approved this resolution.

Jim Gruenewald requested that the Trustees sell the Kayak that was previously purchased. Carel Reynolds will take charge of this action item.

Michael Wardlaw Discussion on Neighbor Hood Watch Program

  • Michael Wardlaw was not able to attend, however he reported that there was little response from the subdivision to organize a committee so the issue was tabled for now.

Rich Hall Discussion on Lake Management

  1. Rich reported that the Lake Committee met to discuss possible solutions to solve the dam overflow concerns. The next step is to contact Reitz and Jens Engineering Company to obtain their opinion. Rich will report back at the next Trustee meeting.

New Business

  1. John Steuterman contacted IESI Sanitation Services that services our trash pickup in Des Peres. John had two questions for the service representative from IESI. #1.  Given that the new trash removal service will utilize only one man in a truck using the mechanical arm to pick up the new trash cans (soon to be delivered to each household), if the trash cans are blocked by cars, or the truck cannot approach the cans due to vehicles parked along the subdivision streets or cut de sacs, will the driver exit the truck to set the trash bins more appropriately? The answer:  No.  The driver will not exit the truck and trash bins that are not accessible to his truck and mechanical arm will not be emptied. #2.  Our subdivision has a commercial account to pick up trash at the park and lake.  When I was a previous trustee, we bought the two receptacles seen by the lake lights and at the entrance to the neighborhood park.  As this time, IESI will continue to pick up those trash bins by the driver exiting the truck. That situation may change and our subdivision will be notified by IESI of any pick up changes. Should that happen, the Dougherty Lake Subdivision Trustees would need to address the need for the trash cans.
  2. Chuck Toedtman asked about us either fixing the lights by the park/lake or removing them. It was suggested that the lights are necessary and that we might want to consider additional lights. Chuck and Rich Hall will look into this action item.
  1. Motion to Adjourn was made and seconded. The next Trustee meeting will take place on Wednesday, March 23. Carel will arrange us utilizing St. Gerard Majella School again.

Respectfully submitted by Carel Reynolds, 1/28/16