Dougherty Lake Subdivision Trustee Meeting Minutes

 December 19, 2018, 6:30 pm

St Gerard Magella, Room 227


1.          John Steuterman called the meeting to order.

 2.          Roll Call by Carel Reynolds. Present were John Steuterman, Mike Wardlaw, Jim Lees, Carel Reynolds and auditor Dick Hibbs. Rich Hall was excused for out of town business.

 3.  Approval of the Minutes from the November 28, 2018 meeting.

 4.  Report of the Trustees

 A.  Landscaping (Mike Wardlaw)

 Mike reported that since Rietz and Jens required us to remove all of the trees along both sides of the dam, the City of Des Peres has completed removal.  The roots should not be a problem in the future.

B.  Lake and Lighting Management (Rich Hall) (received after the meeting)

Lake update:

No activities in December. Rich requested that Carel send out the Christmas Trees email to residents as we will once again want to collect Christmas Trees to sink into the lake.  As usual we would like the tree accumulation point to be at the corner of the lake near the stairs.

 Lights Update:

North Monument light was repaired by Jeff Rubin. New monument lights have been ordered and plans have been made to install the new lights in a more permanent and professional manner.  The current monument lights have never been installed properly.

 Trees by the Lake

Because Rich missed the meeting, he was unaware of what discussions, regarding the removal of the trees, occurred at the December meeting. He was wondering if we should consider: 1) Installing a bench in the shade by the tree near the steps, 2) Consider some type of canopy to shade the existing benches by the lake (as there is no more shade there now, with the removal of the trees).

C.  Communications (Carel Reynolds)

No report

D.  Finance (Jim Lees)

See attached report

Ron Nottmeier asked Jim to consider purchasing 1 or 2 CDs to earn more interest.

E.  President (John Steuterman)

See attached report

F.  Audit (Ron Nottmeier)

Ron shared a report from City and Village explaining their procedures regarding the escrow account. Ron reported that the audit committee will finish their report to be presented at the annual meeting. He also asked Mike Wardlaw to verify invoices and payments for Top Care.

5.   Amendment of the Agenda

Annual meeting format. It was decided that we will mail the agenda, nominations, and motions through City and Village prior to the meeting. The balance of the reports will be sent via email/mail to residents prior to the meeting or posted to our website. 

John Steuterman agreed to run for another term if no one else steps forward.

6.   Old Business

A.  2019 Budget Finalized (Tim Schilling)

Once the budget is final, Tim will email it to the trustees for final approval.

7.   New Business

A.  Establishment of Assessment for 2019 at 2.1% for Missouri.

John will send paperwork to City and Village.

B.  Discussion on Absentee Ballots for Subdivision Affairs

Jeff Rubin and Rich Hall were absent so the discussion was tabled.

C.  PNC Bank (Steuterman)

Motion to repeal special meeting vote for bank transfer. All voted in favor of staying with US Bank.

D.  New attorney discussion (Steuterman, Nottmeier and Hibbs)

A contract sent to John from Andrew Ruben of Paule, Camazine & Blumenthal, P.C. was sent to all to review. A decision needs to be made quickly for representation.

E.  John Steuterman, Ron Nottmeier and Jim Lees will meet with City and Village to discuss how they can help us manage our subdivision financial needs.

8.   John Adjournment the meeting. Date and time for next meeting will be January 23, 2019 at 6:30 at St. Gerard Majella School, room 227.       

Respectfully submitted by Carel Reynolds, Communications Trustee.

December 19 2018 BOT Meeting Minutes

Finance report 12.19.18

December 2018 President’s Report