Minutes of the December 13, 2017 Board of Trustees

Dougherty Lake Subdivision


The meeting was called to order by John Steuterman at 6:30 pm.  The following Trustees were present:  Mike Wardlaw, Rich Hall, James Lees, John Steuterman.  Carel Reynolds was absent with excuse.  Time Schiling represented the Audit Committee.

The Minutes for the November meeting were approved as presented.

Report of the Trustees

A.          Mike Wardlaw presented preliminary discussions he had with several homeowners and a landscape architect, Mary Pat Monterubio.  At this time, the Trustees will await the plan developments per his subcommittee as to horticulture and potential monument changes to the Front Entrance.   Mike had questions as to what entity had jurisdiction over our storm sewers.  At this time, according to Public Works, the storm sewers in our subdivision are the responsibility of MSD.

B.  Rich Hall presented his 2018 Budget.  The additional entry of $6000.00 would be allocated toward engineering studies to insure correct dam maintenance scheduling.  Rich anticipates, with Mike Wardlaw’s help, to place a number of Christmas Trees into the lake for fish habitat. 

C.  Jm Lees presented an overview of his proposed budget for 2018.  Jim stated that he has had a great deal of work involved in correcting some of the information to give a better financial overview of the Subdivision.  Jim feels that the new budget will correctly and accurately reflect the positive financial position of the Subdivision.  Jim anticipates a COLA increase for the 2018 budget and he plans to contact City and Village Tax Inc. for that information.

D.  John Steuterman advised the Trustees that he had been in contact with Jim Lees and Greg Hoffmann concerning the Missouri Tax situation.  Both Jim and John indicated that a positive outcome is expected though we are unsure as to any fines that could be levied.

John discussed the concerns on reports that are emailed to various Trustees not being digitally delivered in a timely manner.  After some research with a private IT company, the recommendation is as follows:   If a report is sent by email, accept the report but do not engage in conversation ‘threads’ as this process can, and will, short-circuit the delivery process to the appropriate  recipients.  The recommendations of the IT company is as follows:  If a response is require to an email with a large report attached, consider a separate email response as opposed to stacking treaded conversations.

John advised the Trustees that the information being complied for the 2018 Annual meeting will be placed on the DLS website as opposed to a general mailing. The Agenda will be mailed first class to all residents 10 days prior to the annual  meeting per the indentures. 

The agreement amongst the Auditor and attending Trustees that in the event of an expenditure in excess of $5000.00, a report to the Subdivision was expected. 

E.  Carel Reynolds emailed her report to the Board.  Carel continues to work with her subcommittee concerning the playground and potential lake front development.  At this time, the consensus of here groups is to improve the lay surface under the swings and not replace the whole swing set.  As to lake front development, Carel’s group feels that reconsideration of a deck is a reasonable discussion for the Annual Meeting.  

F.  Ron Nottmeier was not able to attend the meeting.  Ron had emailed his report on City and Village costs to the subdivision and he feels that a negotiated fee is a reasonable option for DLS.  Tim Schilling was present as Auditor and concurred with Ron’s assessment.  The Trustees felt, as a group, the after the Annual meeting, the topic of fee negotiation with CVT will be considered.

G.  The Trustees approved the motion as follows:

1.Resolve,  The DLS Trustees are authorized to secure the services, through competitive bidding, of a land survey company to determine the current, and correct, boundaries of the common grounds listed as such:

1.   Common ground north of the culvert up to    Four Winds Farms

2.  Common ground area bordering Lake

3.  Playground common ground                       

Mike Wardlaw and John Steuterman will collaborate on securing the bids and services of a Land Survey Company.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 pm with the next meeting to be held on January 17, 2018 at 6:30 pm in a room to be determined at Saint Gerard’s of Magella School.  This meeting will be held to discuss the Annual Budget and  protocols for organizational and information flow.

Respectfully submitted,

John Steuterman


Board of Trustees

Dougherty Lake Subdivision