DL Trustee Report

May 23, 2022 Trustee Meeting Minutes
and Notice of June 29 Trustee Meeting at St. Gerard Majella at 6:30 pm
President’s Report at 5/23/2022 BOT Meeting

A Trustee Meeting held on May 23 at Doug Campion’s home. Doug Campion, Sterling Wallace, Ron Nottmeier, Ken Seger and Lisa Kadel attended. Carel was out of town.

Under the Heading of Addressing Current Problems mentioned in the last several months we have responded to lot owner inquiries related to:
  1. Neighbors having a property fence partially broken and creating problems relative to protection of a dog as well as children; both were called, and a temporary plastic fence was placed; owner of fence intends to repair and replace the missing section.
  2. Several lot owners asked about requirements for projects; each was notified that they would have to get City permits and that was done; BOT had no objections on the projects proposed.
  3. One lot owner had some clearly unmaintained house siding. This concern was passed on to the City of Des Peres as a code violation and they followed up with lot owner. Apparently that house will be sided, and other maintenance made in near term.

Under heading Identifying HOA Activities & Organizing Same:

  1. Brought up the idea of finding ways to more regularly engage residents in HOA activities.
  2. A number of potential HOA activities were identified and discussed, to-wit:
    1. Cornhole set competition.
    2. Basketball shooting contest; and
    3. Bocce ball competition.
  3. Talked about possibly looking into developing regular golfers outing. Also referred to what previously had been at least an annual golf match that may have stopped around 1988.  This might be an activity that would draw coed interest.
  4. Perhaps start up the invite of farmers market type people to bring products regularly and this would be held at our playground area. Also consider bringing food trucks in regularly as was done with the initiation and assistance of Miss Madeline Rubin.  This was a hit.

In closing the idea was brought up for the next BOT meeting to be held either at either the Lodge or SGM, to invite lot owners to attend.  A June or July date will be considered.

UPDATE: The date for a Trustee Meeting for June 29, 6:30 pm at St. Gerrad Majella in their meeting rooms. All homeowners are invited.

Sterling Wallace Report

Lake Overflow:

I dropped the gate valve tool off with MME to be modified.  They are going to weld a 1.25″ hex nut on top of the tool to allow use of a ratchet.  This should make the task of opening the gate valve somewhat easier going forward.

I am waiting for MME’s final proposal / statement of work for the grate replacement tasks.  I will share this when I get it.

After that is satisfactory, they will come out and

  • remove the existing grate.
  • power wash the bearing angles on the structure
  • document repairs required to outflow structure
    (we know the north face will require repair)
  • verify final measurements for new grate
  • temporarily replace the grate if possible

I will give the go-ahead to have the new grate fabricated.

MME will return to perform repairs to the outflow structure bearing surfaces.

When the grates have been delivered, MME will return and lift the grates in place, secure them and install additional support as required.

The lake will have to be lowered maybe 6 inches or so at each step to allow them to work on the outflow structure.

So that will be repeated each time they come back.

Also, after the initial grate removal, the overflow may have to be left open.  At this time I’m hoping it would take less than 2 weeks (and hopefully just days) to get the new grates.

So that is the plan at this time.  There’s a lot of work to be done, but it is very important.

Report on Security Systems
As far as a security system, Flock is the most popular system at this point which is subscription based and requires $2500/per year.  The board would not pursue this without a vote from the subdivision.
Please note that these systems can help but are not going to prevent crime.  Most of these crimes are committed by young, dumb, violent offenders using stolen cars whom even the police would not confront unless necessary.
Ken Seger Report

Previous 2022 activity has been paying bills, submitting the taxes to Klemm & Assoc., and preparing monthly summaries for the trustees.

Future activities in 2022 will be paying bills, preparing monthly summaries for the trustees, and reporting to the homeowners.  Main goal is to reduce the amount of 2021 assessment delinquencies.  The secondary goal is to report on the diminished purchasing power of our two reserve accounts.

In the last 19 days we went from 13 homeowners owing $6,293 down to 11 homeowners owing $5,509.

Meeting adjourned. See you at the June 29 meeting at SGM.

Dougherty Lake 12.21.2020 BOT Budget Meeting Minutes and Reports

Below are the minutes and budget reports from the 12.21.2020 budget meeting. The finalization meeting will be on Monday, 12.28.2020 at 6:30 pm via Zoom. An invitation will be sent to all residents.

Minutes from 12.21.20 Budget Zoom Meeting


Lake and Lights Budget 2021 V1 Dec 12 2020

President’s Budget fore 2021

Secretary 2021 Budget

Treasurer Budget 2021