Dougherty Lake Subdivision Trustee Meeting Minutes

August 23, 2017 – 6:30 pm

Saint Gerards Magella, Room 227

 1.          John Steuterman called meeting to order

 2.          Carel Reynolds did roll call, all trustees present in addition to Ron Nottmeier and Jim Lees, Audit Committee, Greg Hoffman, our attorney, Mrs Ellen Toy from Lang Insurance, Ryan McCulla and Mrs. Steinhouser, Architect.

3.  Minutes for the 7.26.17 meeting were approved.

4.  Report of the Trustees

            A.  Landscaping (Lisa Kadel)

Lisa shared her plan for the west end of the lake designed by Greenscape Garden Center. Everyone liked her ideas.

            B.  Lake Management (Rich Hall)

Dye and bacteria will be added again soon. Rich is obtaining bids for the new lighting by the lake.

            C.  Communications (Carel Reynolds)

Carel is working on organizing the Fall Picnic again this year.

            D.  Finance (Chuck Toedtman)

Chuck gave an overview of the Account Balances as of 8.23.17.

.    a. Checking – $22,390.29

     b. Lake Reserve – $60,281.62

     c. Money Market – $107,915.19

     d. $25,644.98 spent to date this Fiscal Year

Five lien notification letters have been sent

Chuck requested permission to transfer $40,000.00 to the Lake Reserve Account. All agreed.

            E.  President (John Steuterman)

                                    No report

5.   Amendment of the Agenda

            A. John motioned that we have an executive session following the regular meeting in order to clarify a legal matter of Mr. Hoffman’s demand letter he was sending to the McCulla family beginning a legal action. Three voted yes and two voted no, therefore it passed.

6.   Old Business

            A. Fidelity Bond – Mrs. Ellen Toy from Lang Insurance explained our new insurance covering the trustees. All approved this new insurance. She also suggested we ask City and Village Tax Office if they have insurance and all agreed we would do so.

            B. Discussion by Mr. McCulla and Mrs. Steinhauser regarding the play structure. Engineering plans were presented. The trustees were given the opportunity to ask questions of Mr. McCulla. Mrs. Steinhauser stated that the engineered design is structurally sound for multiple children, similar to a deck on the back of a house.

7.   No New Business

            A. It was suggested that since our fiscal year is January to December, that we move the annual meeting to January. All agreed.

8.   Adjournment to Executive Session

            A. This executive session is to clarify a legal matter of Mr. Hoffman’s demand letter he was sending to the McCulla family beginning a legal action. After a short discussion Mr. Hoffman assured us that we were acting in good faith and could proceed.

            B. Motion was made to approve the new engineering plans for the Play Structure. The vote was three yes and two no, therefore passing. A letter will be prepared and mailed to Mr. McCulla outlining our requirements for the play structure.

9.   Date and time for next meeting 9/20 at 6:30 pm.

Respectfully submitted by Carel Reynolds, Communications Trustee.

Approved by all Trustees.