Wednesday, November 11, 2015 – The Lodge at Des Peres, Oak Room

  • Sandy Baker, President, opened the meeting by thanking everyone for attending.  She also explained the voting ballot which was handed out and stated that discussion will occur later in the meeting. Sandy noted that a letter from the president was also handed out.
  • Lisa Kadel introduced guest speaker Brandon Elzinga, Des Peres Community Services Officer. Brandon shared how Des Peres is always available to check out anything suspicious in our neighborhood. He said that no call is a useless call and encouraged every homeowner to pay attention to their surroundings and report anything unusual by calling 314.835.6200 and an officer will check it out.  He suggested everyone lock their car doors at all times and not leave valuables in the car. Des Peres has a Vacation Watch program where you can contact Des Peres and tell them when you will be gone, what cars or people will be at your home while you are gone and what lights you plan to leave on. They will then monitor your home while you areaway.  He encouraged everyone to register to receive safety alerts at  A comprehensive Neighborhood Watch Manual was handed out and is also posted to our website.
  • Sandy Baker explained the proposed changes to the indentures and requested comments from the floor.
  • Many homeowners shared their opinions on the architectural indenture changes. A motion was made from the floor to change the wording to allow homeowners to make any changes they wish without Trustee approval. A vote was called and the motion was defeated with 18 opposed and 7 for.
  • Discussion continued after which Motion was made to call for a vote via the ballot and all were in favor.These two indenture changes failed.  Article 2, paragraph (a) failed to pass with 26 opposed and 20 for. Article 2, paragraph (b) failed to pass with 40 opposed and 6 for.
  • There was no discussion regarding the Trustee Term Limits indenture change and Motion was made to call for a vote via the ballot and all was in favor. This indenture change passed 32 for and 1 opposed.
  • Sandy Baker invited the candidates running for the two open Trustee positions to speak. John Steuterman  spoke about his experience and history in Dougherty Lake. Bob Butterworth was unable to attend so Carel Reynolds read comments from Bob regarding his history. Doug Campion spoke about his experience and history. Rich Hall spoke about his experience. Motion was made to call for a vote via the ballot and all was in favor. John Steuterman and Rich Hall were elected as the two new Trustees effective immediately.
  • Jim Gruenewald, Lake and Lighting Trustee shared the lake project history from this past summer. All work is complete and now we are waiting for the rain to fill the lake as the dam has been closed since September.
    • Note of Clarification on Lake Valve operation:  The Lake Valve is only opened at times when the lake level needs to be dropped, typically for no more than a day or two at a time.  Once the desired level is reached, the valve is closed.  If the lake level rises, the Lake Valve must be opened again to drop the level.  There is no way to set a specific level that is “automatically maintained.”   The Lake Valve was opened and closed over 20 times in 6 months this year.
    • Jim explained that the project to replace all street lights with LED bulbs is almost completed. These bulbs are expensive but they are saving us money in electricity and are much brighter, which is a safety concern we all share. The next project would be to consider replacing the light bulb trees.
    • Charles Schrock commented from the floor regarding future lake renovations. He suggested that when we allow homeowners to use our common ground for their own benefit (i.e. to allow access for wall repairs), they should be responsible for returning it to its original condition. That was not done this year and the trustees had to pressure the contractors to finish the work. Charles laid sod and replaced the guard rail himself.
    • Jim shared that he purchased aquatic friendly plants which will be planted around the perimeter of the lake when it begins to fill. These plants will greatly improve the health of the lake.
  • Chuck Toedtman, Treasurer reported on the subdivision financials.  We had a surplus of money in 2014/15 so per the indentures, the surplus was deposited into the lake fund which is now in excess of $55,000.00.
  • Lisa Kadel, Landscaping Trustee reported that she continues to monitor the common ground while keeping the cost down. She is always open to suggestions.
  • Carel Reynolds, Communications Trustee, explained that all communications for the subdivision will be sent via email or our website only. She asked that everyone please submit their email address to her which will be kept confidential.
    • Carel expressed her thanks to the Fall Party Committee: Annie Kessler, Madeline Marren, Sally Kellogg, Cynthia Behr, Valerie Pacer, and Tom Gottlieb.  A lot of work goes into making this the neighborhood’s premier annual event. Please contact Carel with suggestions for next year or if you would like to volunteer to help.
    • Carel asked that everyone consider joining our Subdivision Facebook Group!  We’ve created a private closed Facebook group for people to share items for sale, pictures from subdivision events, and get general announcements in their Facebook stream. Only current homeowners are allowed in the group. If you have a Facebook account just follow the link below and use the menu options to request to join. After someone verifies you’re a current resident you’ll be added to the group.Dougherty Lake Subdivision Closed Group

New Business

  • Paul Shaver spoke about the recent Circle of Concern fundraiser which was sponsored by the Des Peres Rotary Club. He thanked everyone who donated and suggested homeowners consider joining the Rotary as it is a great way to learn and network.

Meeting was adjourned at 9:30 pm.

Respectfully submitted by; Carel Reynolds, Communications Trustee