Minutes of the BOT Meeting
September 14, 2016 at St. Gerard Majella
The meeting was called to order by John Steuterman. All Trustees were present. Guests: Alderman Paul Raczkiewicz, Jim Gruenewald, Doug Campion, Dick Hibbs, Tim Schilling, Mr. and Mrs. Westerbeck and daughter, Mark Bates, Tom Gottlieb, Mark McClanahan, Donna Campbell, (as well as several homeowners who attended to observe the discussion but whose names we did not record).
Minutes from the July 20, 2016 meeting were approved.
The agenda was not revised so it stands.
- Rich Hall presented his report on lighting and the dam drain. Lisa Kadel asked why a dome was not being considered for the dam as the landscape crew will not clean off the grate any longer. Rich’s response was that it was too expensive.
- Lisa Kadel reported that a new landscaper was hired. She asked how we should handle the many homeowners who refuse to keep up their property and John Steuterman suggested she send the list to Paul Raczkiewicz to follow up. Mark Bates asked to be included in any homeowner upkeep discussion.
- Chuck Toedtman presented the financial reports. The subdivision is in good financial condition.
- John Steuterman had no report.
- Carel Reynolds reported that the subdivision fall picnic date will be Sunday, October 23 from 3 to 7 pm at the park. Carel also plans to develop a new subdivision directory over the winter. Carel stated that there have been many concerns by residents regarding the street repairs so she contacted Public Works and reported back to residents.
Old Business
- TAP: Tim Schilling shared his plan to meet with a committee to establish a communication/ awareness program to address the speeding problem, coordinate with BOT/Public Safety, and consider incorporating these goals with a Neighborhood Watch Program. Dick Hibbs and Carel Reynolds offered to help him. John suggested they push city hall to do their part in providing safety.
- Lake Deck Development: Carel reported that a survey of the residents regarding an addition of a fishing deck at the lake was complete and that she had a 75% approval rating. John Steuterman asked that a committee be formed to answer questions presented by the residents.
- Deer Management Resolution: Doug Campion’s proposal will be presented for a vote at the annual meeting to add to the indentures.
Next Meeting: October 17, 2016, Room 227 at Saint Gerard Majella School. This was amended later to be moved to Carel Reynolds’ home for trustee attendance only to do budget and annual meeting planning.
Respectfully submitted by Carel Reynolds