JULY 28, 2016
SUBJECT: Traffic Awareness Program (TAP)
Your Trustees, and many our fellow neighbors, are concerned about the disregard by neighbors and visitors for our speed limits and stop signs. As a neighborhood, we have begun to take steps to address this problem.
We are thrilled about the growth and development of our neighborhood with new families arriving each year. Our new neighbors are improving their homes and property which will increase all our home values. With this increased activity, expectations of traffic safety by all our neighbors are also increasing.
In addition to our Dougherty Lake Subdivision (DLS) growth and development is the new construction in the area with the Pulte subdivision across the street. This new construction, along with construction within DLS, has increased the volume of interior and exterior traffic.
As Trustees, we are hearing a dramatic increase in vocal concerns on the speed of traffic throughout DLS. A newsletter was sent this spring that invited neighbors to attend meetings. The result of these meetings suggested to the trustees to establish a Traffic Awareness Program (TAP). To date, we have held several meetings with homeowners, the Public Safety Department Chief, and Public Works for their collective input.
Public Safety has assured us that they will monitor traffic violations in DLS with an electronic speed monitoring sign. This digital monitor will be installed as soon as the streets are repaired. This PSO sign will track statistics which will be shared with the Subdivision.
As Trustees, we have requested from Public Works that a crosswalk be designed from the playground to the lake. In addition, residential signage has been ordered reminding everyone to use caution when driving.
Anyone interested in showing their support and allowing us to place a temporary sign in their front yard, please contact Carel Reynolds, Communications Trustee at 314.821.1818.
This notice is our first public service announcement to establish a dialogue with the residents, both in writing and at public meetings. We feel we need to emphasis the rationale for the 20 mph speed limit throughout DLS and the stop sign at Briar Fork and Beaver Dam which is just prior to the playground. The neighborhood ‘voice’ is stressing the importance of drivers yielding from side streets onto Beaver Dam.
Bottom line, we are a neighborhood of involved families and everyone would benefit from traffic awareness as accidents will affect everyone.
All residents are welcome to attend Trustee meetings. Dates, times and location will be posted on the Dougherty Lake website The next meeting will be on September 14 at 7:00 pm at St. Gerard Majella Parish School, meeting room tbd. Please let us know if you plan to attend so we can accommodate a larger group. Email Carel at
Your Neighborhood Trustees and Resident Committee Members.
John Steuterman Carel Reynolds Chuck Toedtman Lisa Kadel Rich Hall
President Communications Treasurer Landscaping Lake/Maintenance
Tim Schilling, Resident/Committee Member Dick Hibbs, Resident/Committee Member