Dougherty Lake Subdivision Trustee Meeting Minutes
July 20, 2016 – 7:00 p.m. – Saint Gerard of Magella, Room 227
John Steuterman called the meeting to order.
Roll Call – Trustees present: John Steuterman, Rich Hall, Chuck Toedtman and Carel Reynolds – Guests present were Richard Hibbs and Doug Campion.
Minutes from the June 3 Meeting were approved.
No Amendments of the Agenda were presented.
Reports of the Trustees
- Rich Hall/Lake Committee
Bacteria and dye seem to be helping with eliminating algae.
They are in the process of repairing all lights switching them all to LED.
- Lisa Kadel/Landscaping
Report emailed. MDH trimmed the cul-de-sac plantings last week (the ones they could get to with the road construction)
Mike Lohuis asked that I look at the fence by his property; apparently it needs repair beyond what he is able to do. There are also some boards down on the fence next to the playground and Chuck’s house. I’ll look at those also and get them repaired.
- Chuck Toedtman/Finance
Chuck gave a financial update.
The basketball hoop will be repaired and painted soon.
- Carel Reynolds/Communication
Communications as needed continues through email.
Several requests have been made for a new directory. I will start working one up to send out soon.
No report on the lake fishing dock.
- John Steuterman/President
Carel Reynolds and Rich Hall along with Richard Hibbs met with Capt. Sean Quinn of Des Peres Public Safety on Dougherty Lake traffic concerns. He said that additional speed signs would be considered. Our request for a painted crosswalk from the park to the lake with a sign that states “yield to pedestrians” will be forwarded to Public Works. Traffic laws will be enforced by Des Peres police as best they can. He suggested communicating with the subdivision about our concerns, Carel will send out a letter first class mail.
- Nuisances
Douglas Campion presented the Trustees with a suggested new addition to our indentures regarding deer management. Motion was made to accept his proposal and all approved. It will be mailed to all residents prior to the November subdivision meeting for a vote at the meeting by all residents present.
- Meeting was adjourned. The next meeting will be September 14 at 7:00 pm at St. Gerard Majella, Room 224.
Minutes submitted by Carel Reynolds, Communications Trustee