Dougherty Lake Subdivision Trustee Meeting Minutes

June 8, 2016 – 7:00 p.m. – Saint Gerard of Magella, Room 227


John Steuterman called the meeting to order.

Roll Call – Trustees present, John Steuterman, Rich Hall, Chuck Toedtman and Carel Reynolds – Guests present were Jim Gruenewald, Ed Scally, Doug and Gloria Campion and Richard Hibbs.

Minutes from the April 27 Meeting were approved.

No Amendments of the Agenda were presented.

Reports of the Trustees

  • Rich Hall/Lake Committee

Aquatic plants are coming in nicely. Algae treatment was done in late May.

Dam outflow correction will include raising the dam, pricing, etc. coming soon.

Neighborhood lights, bulbs and lamps have been ordered for replacements needed

The park/lake lights are being looked into by Chuck Toedtman.

  • Lisa Kadel/Landscaping

No report

  • Chuck Toedtman/Finance

Total account balances as of 1/27/16 is $128,265.34

Total spent to date this fiscal year is $22,165.31

A detailed breakdown was also provided.

Chuck proposed the assessment for 2016-17 will remain the same as the CPI has not changed. All trustees approved. Assessment will be sent out soon by City and Village Tax office.

The basketball hoop will be repaired and painted soon.

  • Carel Reynolds/Communication

Communications as needed continues through email.

A committee is being formed to investigate the feasibility of a fishing dock at the lake along Beaver Dam Road.

  • John Steuterman/President

Available trustees will meet with Capt. Sean Quinn of Des Peres Public Safety on Dougherty Lake traffic concerns. Speed signs are only at the entrance so we suggest more signage. We would like to request a painted crosswalk from the park to the lake with a sign that states “yield to pedestrians”. Traffic laws need to be enforced by Des Peres police.

  •   Nuisances

Douglas and Gloria Campion shared their concerns with the deer population and neighbors installing deer feeding equipment. John Steuterman asked them to form a committee to propose changes to our amendments. Their report will follow soon.

Ed Scally shared their concerns regarding the noise from mowers/blowers and particularly landscape company equipment late in the evening.  Although it is not unlawful, the trustees will communicate to all neighbors to be considerate of their neighbors.

  • Old Business

Carel Reynolds will set up a meeting with Des Peres Public Safety to discuss traffic and speeding issues.

Carel Reynolds reported that the trustees will not pursue the request to allow boating in the lake due to the safety hazards present (i.e. electrical cables that power the aerators.)

  • New Business

John Steuterman reported that the trustees are concerned with the recent installation of stockade fences. Going forward they will not permit them to be installed.

  • Meeting was adjourned. The next meeting will be July 20 at 7:00 pm at St. Gerard Majella, Room 227.


Minutes submitted by Carel Reynold, Communications Trustee